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Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Why Hillary’s college tuition plan won’t work

Cutting college tuitions must start with eliminating waste and fraud
In the days ahead millions of kids will pack their bags and leave home (hopefully for good) to go to college. For parents experiencing this for the first time: welcome to the biggest financial scam in America. Richard Vedder, an economist at Ohio University and an expert on college costs puts it very plainly: “Colleges and universities may be the least cost-efficient institutions in the United States. No industry, perhaps other than prostitution, has seen less productivity improvements than higher education.”

As the father of two college kids I can personally attest to the astonishing rip-off of college tuition costs. One son just graduated from Northwestern. All in — room, board and tuition — cost $62,500 a year. Yes, he learned a lot, but let’s be honest. Mostly what I paid for was a four-year party and a reprieve from having to get a job.

Universities justify the swindle of middle class America with the tuitions that are double what they would be if they only grew at the rate of inflation, with statistics about hundreds of thousands of dollars of higher earnings for kids with college degrees. True. Except that a very plausible case could be made that college doesn’t make kids smart, but rather kids who go to college are smarter and have higher earnings potential to begin with.

Peter Thiel, one of the great investors of all time says that for really bright and talented 18 and 19 year olds, college is a detriment to success and he sponsors a program to get kids to leave college early and get on with starting their own businesses.

Which brings me to Hillary Clinton’s new ten-year plan to make colleges more affordable by offering up $350 billion of taxpayer subsidies. She’s right that colleges are unaccountable, lack transparency and are overpriced. “College is supposed to help people achieve their dreams, but more and more paying for college actually pushes those dreams further and further out of reach,” Mrs. Clinton declared. “That is a betrayal of everything college is supposed to represent.”




  1. create a problem, offer yourself as the only solution. the politician way.

    education costs are rising because an election year is coming up. public education centers (schools, colleges, universties, etc) are known to generally be liberal-minded cesspools. raise your rates and allow your democrat to offer "FREE" education. Win the election on a set up.

    As sane individuals could tell you, nothing is free. Taxes will go up across the board to pay for an inflated farce.

  2. the cost of a college education is a scam of epic proportion...

  3. Her plan may be flawed but it is about time we started to avail a college education to all those that academically earn it. It just makes financial sense.

  4. It only stands to reason that if people are dumb enough to pay $60k/yr for NorthWestern today and magical free money becomes available, that tuition will go even higher.

    Tuition will only go down when people stop paying it. Once enrollment drops because people realize there's no ROI for their kids, there will be pressure to make schooling more affordable.

    I'd rather my kids live at home and learn a trade for those 4-5 years. Stack on 2 years of community college and more experience as a plumber, electrician, HVAC pro, even landscaper, and they'll be primed to buy a van with no debt, hardly any bills, and the experience and knowledge they need to be successful 7 years after high school. They'll be way ahead of their peers who get college degrees. All the good companies in the trades are hurting for employees and take forever to get to your service call, so the market can provide for plenty of new businesses that want to provide great service.

  5. Hillary can fund it herself with Saudi money.


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