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Tuesday, August 25, 2015

WESLEY PRUDEN: Hillary Clinton's dying campaign

Hillary Clinton may think those creatures making wide, gentle circles over her campaign are bluebirds of happiness, but they’re looking more and more like buzzards. They look hungry.

The news gets grimmer with every news cycle as she revises and extends everything she has said about her email machine and the classified information that may be on it. She says she can’t remember, and we can believe that much. Sir Walter Scott got it right: “O, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive.”

Hillary even upends the famous Washington dictum that “it’s not the crime, it’s the cover-up.” Sometimes it’s both.

We’re hearing the first hints, some of them not so subtle, that the FBI is investigating more than a security situation, defined as a simple matter of learning whether classified information leaked from the State Department when she was the secretary of State, and if so, who it was leaked to. National Public Radio, which usually feeds only the bluebirds of Democratic happiness, reports that it learned from “two lawyers familiar with the inquiry” that a formal criminal investigation is under consideration, presumably at the Justice Department, and it could happen “soon.”

Hillary might not be the first target. She can always find somebody else to throw under the bus or feed to the alligators.



  1. Too bad it couldn't wait until after she got the dumbocrat nomination....

  2. Time for the democrats to pull out plan B

  3. Those aren't buzzards. Hillary and her gang are buzzards. What are circling over their heads are flies.

  4. Hillary will be indicted before the year is over.
    The dumbocrats know this and are preparing.


  5. Given that it's OweBama's Dept of Injustice the fact they even bothered to take any action at all is ominous for her. They may need a bus with air suspension if she's to slide under it without gouging the pavement.

    And when that happens her tight little inner circle (all those State Dept employees aware of her email address scam, who had an affirmative duty to report about it) will be getting their Under the Bus passes, too.

    Followed by the pardons. OweBama & Slick Willy were golfing recently; several hours without prying ears. Stay tuned!


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