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Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Welcome To The $15.00 Minimum Wage & Common Core Math

Was $11.05
Sale $11.34
Save 5%


  1. How can you save anything if It cost more than the original price. Just plain stupid.

  2. This is the way of the sales now, not just this one. Go into Walmart at their Clearance aisle. They have put on clearance stickers with the retail price trying to make someone think that it is on sale. If you price things in different stores you will see this also. I went into one large retailer in the area last Christmas and saw a winter coat for $69.00, it went on sale for that weekend for $89.00. What a deal!!!! Needless to say I saved when I bought it at retail.

  3. it was 11.95, not 11.05.

  4. 11.95 not 11.05... welcome to common core reading!

  5. I'll backed you up 11:47, it's 10.95.

  6. Hey look, it was one of the idiots in Annapolis doing the shopping... I hate common core math, but I hate stupidity even more.


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