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Wednesday, August 05, 2015

Video Shows Cop Handcuffing Elementary School-Age Disabled Child


  1. Let's not jump to contusions here!

    Does the child behave well enough to allow it to be in this environment - without being a hazard to other children?

    Was the child a danger to other children at that time?

    Did the school have permission to subdue the child in the event of a disruption endangering other children?

    What options did the Officer have to prevent harm to the other children?

    Big picture folks - might have been the only/right thing to do at the time!

    1. The bottom line is, this is not the proper use of handcuff. The boy look less than fifty pound. Teachers could have handle this child. But today's teachers are afraid of being sued. Let a cop get caught up. And, this cop use to be a teacher. Everyone is out raged about the treatment of this child. But, what else do you all expect the system of "professional teacher" and other in that school to do. Most parents work. They are the first to lawyer up. Mommies don't want to stay home with children who have special needs. They send these special needs children to school and expect them to handle their kids. All mommies need to quite work and monitor their kids behavior while they are in school. When their child become disruptive, mommies need to intervene and tap that rump. I hate what police officer around the country are doing to minorities. However and unfortunately, this cop is going to be sued for handling a child no other teacher or staff at that school wanted to do. Total set up for the cop. The school administration and teachers should also be sued. I know to many parents who would rather work then stay home and deal with their kids. I feel sad for the cop. But, I would have never cuff the kid in that manner. Never.

  2. SO, if I run you over with a car, and say well my intentions were good, I was just trying to get a bug off your back... Then that is ok right?

    Lets not jump to conclusions, because had I not gotten the bug off of you, you would have been bitten and I had to kill the bug to stop it from attacking other people...

    Murder is murder, no matter how or what you use to do it...
    Same thing goes for this cop who put cuffs on a kid...

    If you people are any more stupid than 3:26 PM then god help you, because you can't fix stupid...

  3. Okay! 343 has the answer! His/ Her kid is in the same daycare group, and little ADHD decided that because juice was offered to him and he decided he didn't want any, he decides to go on a screaming rampage throwing toys, hitting 343's kid with kid chairs, toys, sticks, anything he can get hands on and bare fists included. He goes on with all the other kids too beating everything and anybody in sight with anything available. Blood is drawn on several.

    The daycare provider is only allowed to kindly ask him to calm down, or he will be put in time out.

    Guess who will be the first one to sue the daycare for his kid's injuries tomorrow effing morning?

    Yup, you got it.

  4. 4:30 Yep, he should have hog tied them. Parents, you want to send your animals out into the world for others to deal with? Expect this.

  5. Violence begets violence. Figure it out.

  6. Certain mentalities do not respond positively to anything less than a show of greater strength and determination.


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