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Wednesday, August 19, 2015

United States Drops In Overall Freedom Ranking

A new report on the freedom of countries around the world ranks the United States 20th, putting countries like Chile and the United Kingdom ahead of the U.S.

Last year, the U.S. was ranked 17th, but a steady decline of economic freedom and “rule of law” has dropped the level of freedom, according to the Cato Institute, Fraser Institute and the Swiss Liberales Institut, which created the study together.

Co-author of the report Ian Vasquez told The Daily Caller News Foundation that the steady growth of government and increased regulations of business and labor contribute to the U.S. low rating.



  1. This can't be correct:

    Obama is free to circumvent Congress and the laws.

    Moochie is free to impose her dietary ideas on schoolkids.

    Hillary is free to setup her own email system and lie about it.

    Bill is free to chase the Energizer Bunny.

    Kerry is free to sell us down the river.

    Prince Jake is free to do the bidding of his special interest masters.

    Jester Jim is free to scamper up and down the beach at all hours.

    The DT and Independent are free to carry more water for all of the above than an aqueduct.

    ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN and MSNBC are free to ignore these actors and actions.

    Lots and lots of freedom...

  2. AKA.a Muslim President.


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