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Wednesday, August 05, 2015

UN: Jail Parents Who Spank Their Children

The UN “Human Rights Committee” released a report urging U.K. authorities to prosecute parents who smack or spank their children

Under the guise of advancing what the United Nations characterizes as “human rights,” the UN “Human Rights Committee” released a report urging U.K. authorities to prosecute parents who smack or spank their children — even when used as a disciplinary tool. The UN report continued, advocating that the government launch a tax-funded propaganda campaign against corporal punishment and parents who choose to use it in disciplining their children, highlighting the alleged “harmful effects.” A broad list of other demands — more abortion, more UN agreements, and more censorship, among others — was also provided by the UN’s “human rights” bureaucracy in its report on the United Kingdom.

It was not the first time that UN bureaucrats have claimed that spanking, smacking, and all forms of corporal punishment must be banned worldwide in favor of UN-approved parenting strategies, and it certainly will not be the last. In fact, a similar UN “human rights” report about the United States released last year called on the U.S. government to ignore the Constitution’s limits on federal power and pass legislation banning all corporal punishment of children across America — including mild spankings by parents in the home used as a disciplinary tool. Schools that use corporal punishment are also in the UN’s crosshairs.



  1. They want to be in our bedrooms so we can all be criminals who need our guns taken away.

  2. that's part of the reason kids act the way they do now, no punishment

  3. The 'harmful affects' come from lack of discipline!!
    It is the responsibility of parents to discipline their children. NO, I am not saying abuse their children. Discipline of children from loving parents brings a respectful child into adulthood, knowing the difference from right and wrong.
    This is not in the best interests of the liberal agenda. Dr. Spock eventually saw his mistake, but you don't hear about that!


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