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Wednesday, August 05, 2015

UK Govt: Landlords Must Evict Illegals or Face Years in Jail

Britain's government promised new measures Monday to crack down on illegal immigrants by making landlords evict them, as the Calais migrants crisis continued to dominate the headlines.

Landlords in England who do not remove people with no right to remain in Britain, or do not check their immigration status before renting them a property, could be jailed for up to five years.

The move, announced by Communities Secretary Greg Clark, is set to be included in a new Immigration Bill that parliament will debate in the coming months.

Immigration is one of the most sensitive issues in British politics and Prime Minister David Cameron's center-right government has been battling to bring the numbers down for years.

More here


  1. I guess Obama is gonna make room for them to.

  2. I would be surprised if it isn't shot down by the "progressives" in Parliament.

    A shame they can't simply send a few regiments to Calais to repel the invaders.

    Funny how the more generous and comprehensive the welfare system, the more "immigrants" they have beating down their doors to get in, and get on the gravy train.

    They all just want "a better life"? Why aren't they swarming to countries where they will feel at home in a similar culture, where the values and morals are compatible with theirs, and where their skill sets can be effectively utilized? Where there are jobs available?

    No, they migrate to where they can have an EASIER life, which "progressives" define as a "better" life. Easier, because it is subsidized by those of us who are forced to work harder, because they are present. When taxes are raised to pay for those who did not participate in building the society that pays the taxes, we are forced to work longer hours to take home the same wages.

  3. Well Obama always wanted the U.S. to be more like Europe. Here's your chance Kenyan king.

  4. Somebody's doing it right!

  5. Good idea, lets do that here.


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