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Sunday, August 30, 2015

Two suicides are linked to Ashley Madison leak

Texas police chief takes his own life just days after his email is leaked in cheating website hack

Two people have taken their own lives after their details were leaked by the Ashley Madison hackers, it was disclosed today.

Captain Michael Gorhum, who served for 25 years with the San Antonio Police Department in Texas, was named as one of the suicide victims.

And at a press conference on Monday, Canadian police confirmed a second suicide of a person also believed to have been using the extramarital affairs website.

Police are investigating if the deaths are as a direct result of the leak of Ashley Madison users.



  1. Guilt shouldve taken them before that.

  2. Kill your self over a piece of tail?

    1. No. Over all lost in that divorce

  3. Risk vs. reward. We all do it, every day, just not the same way.

  4. 12:26. No. Over destroying your wife and children.

  5. The reason guys look to other women is because they are stuck with a cold fish in bed! They won't even gratify his carnal needs, so he goes out and gets from others what he can't get at home.
    Women that are gripping about this are the ones that drove their man into the arms of another woman!

    1. Try leaving your dentures in, maybe she will warm up to you, Bunky


  6. Kind of presuming a healthy percentage of the subscribers are women.

    Will they be taking their lives in the aftermath, or getting more inquiries?

  7. 2:50 don't forget to include all of those wonderful athletes you idolize and support when you watch them!

  8. @324p if youre sleeping with a cold fish, that is not a reason to cheat. its an excuse. you made a promise to be faithful. if it isnt working out, tell your wife bye. then screw all ya want. until then, youre a coward.

  9. 3:24. Nope. Most of these men are sexual perverts who will never be satisfied with a real woman. They are sick creeps who could never have a normal healthy passionate sex life. Most are boys who never grew up emotionally.

  10. 3:24 sin is in your heart. Wives don't make their husbands sin. It is their choice.

  11. 3:24 sin is in your heart. Wives don't make their husbands sin. It is their choice.

  12. All you condemning this site must be women, I don't see any men on this blog bitching about a guy stuck with a cold dead fish in bed, going out and having his needs fulfilled.

  13. And all of you "men" who think it is okay to go out and have your need fulfilled because you are stuck with a cold dead fish in bed, have you ever considered how she became a "cold dead fish." Maybe you aren't satisfying her to start with. Maybe you know nothing about foreplay. Maybe you are one of those men whose wife has to take care of you along with the kids and the dog. Do you ever help with the dishes, the housework, the kids, taking the trash out even. At my house, I am the only one who ever realizes that the trash needs to go out. I am the only one who can see the dishes in the sink or the dog hair on the floor. And yes, before you ask, I work also.

    There just isn't that much to find sexy about a man who is unable to pick up his socks or his towel or who can't fathom emptying a trash can. If I have to treat him like a child and pick up after him as if he is a child, it gets a little hard to then see him in the role of "sexy he man." But it is real easy to just say, "Oh, she is just a cold fish. She is never interested in sex." Why don't you try giving your wife a reason to find you sexy. I guess you would rather pay someone to find you sexy. Sad!

  14. 9:51. So true!!! Men don't like to hear it though.

  15. Actually, research has proven that most of the users on the Ashley Madison site were male. Very few legitimate females looking to hook up. Most of the other 'women' were either conflicted guys or prostitutes. Pretty pathetic bunch of 'men', really.


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