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Thursday, August 27, 2015

Trump: Chinese Economic Crisis Could Lead to a Depression


  1. I'm already depressed.

  2. I believe we have been in an economic depression since 2008. Things have definitely not improved since that time.

  3. Like Trumps knows...

  4. Obama can depress anyone , his wife also.

  5. Maybe not for you 3:22 but things for me and most of the folks I hang with are much better.

  6. 3:48 Much better than what, upgrade from Micky Dee's to Wendy's?

  7. We are doing real well now, I got a free phone, my kids get free breakfast and lunch at school. I got a SNAP card full of money so I get to eat steak every week. I get cash for my bills, and cigarettes, I get credit for my heat, and electricity. I got free TV cable and Internet, I get money for my rent, I have insurance for free, Obama is a great president, I get everything for free! I want him to be the King of America, so I and my family get to enjoy this great life for free.

  8. Yes Mr. Jones, all while I work 40 plus hours a week to provide for my family and yours.

  9. 518 is a cancer on society. PERIOD

  10. 5:18 is the huge block of Obama voters that will vote for anyone or anything as long as they can sit on their lazy asses and live off of us poor white working folks!

  11. Bob Aswell...Red,White and BlueAugust 28, 2015 at 12:04 PM

    This is going to be the MOST critical election this Country has experienced in the last 60 years. Donald Trump is right in what he is spreading on the campaign trail. The Dumbocrats have forgot the sixties and When John Kennedy was President. I haven't. Kennedy backed the USSR Down and they were a LOT stronger than they are now. He was a Dumbocrat yet he had some stones that were profound during his duties as a P.T. boat commander in the South Pacific. OweBama is a gelding and the whole world knows it. He's a pushover in ALL theaters. He has NO CLUE toward the fostering of a strong economy and therein lies the ruse.
    As a soldier I learned that there are three things that will cause opposing forces to submit. One, superior fire power directed by competent commanders, two, starvation, three NO means to secure supplies to forces in the field (money).
    OweBamas game plan is to weaken and widely disperse the military as the Germans did in WWII,secondly to cause the economy HERE to collapse to the point we can't defend the homefront of this nation from infiltrators he's personally inviting into this Country. I am totally at a loss to understand WHY the ruling class is SO DAMN DUMB they can't unravel this plot. If there EVER existed a valid reason for a military junta its here and now before its way too late.
    I say this with a heavy heart as I'm a loyal American and a veteran and through my service I realize what it is to live in the greatest place in the World. Bob Aswell..Red,White,and Blue

  12. Trump talks a lot about China, but his clothing brand is still made in, you guessed it, CHINA!


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