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Sunday, August 30, 2015

Topless protesters take over New York and 60 other cities worldwide for 'free the nipple' campaign

Bare-chested protesters took to the streets of 60 cities around the world on Sunday as part of a campaign to 'free the nipple'.

One of the biggest events for GoTopless Day was a semi-naked parade through New York City - where officials are debating whether topless tip-seekers should be allowed in Times Square.

Rachel Jessee, an actress and model who leads the GoTopless group in NYC, explained that Sunday's topless campaigners want women to have the same right as men to go topless in public.

'Our goal is for equal gender topless rights to be enforced worldwide, freeing women's nipples,' she said.



  1. Ireton would have them arrested. That is, of course, unless it was men wearing S&M outfits.

  2. The link showed one famous person that I know of,and that surprised me because she usually does not participate in activities such as this.This might be a good idea for the next 3rd Friday before it gets too cold.

  3. This is exactly what we need for Ocean City, then the men would have something else to do besides just drinking.

  4. Well, a little nip in the air wouldn't be all that bad.

  5. Whores...only the most depraved would do this infront of children. They are no different than child molesters.

    1. You have got to be @#$%&!? kidding? Next you'll want to tae down advertisements in stores and have dogs wear underwear.

    2. 11:50. Nope, just whores with their breasts and butts out for children to see. If you don't think it's wrong for kids to see this then you are pretty sick.

  6. Last time I checked, children are born innocent, adults instill in them the values and norms in this world. Breasts are normal items on women. If an adult starts telling them their bad and nasty, than this creates the delusion of a bad thing on a females body. The female body is a very beautiful thing, I for one love looking at it.

  7. we allow same sex marriage and a little nudity scares us
    go figure.

  8. Unless you were bottle fed, the female breast was pressed against your face for something like the first year of your life, up close and personal. And then you were taught, if you were male, that it's "naughty" to see or even think about the female breast. It was turned into a risque sideshow, with any number of admission fees. Can't see them unless you pay, whether the payment be in dollars or promises.

    Get breasts out in the open and in twenty years, nobody will care and the world will not fall apart.
    Or enact legislation that covers men's breasts, too, just to make it fair for all.

  9. Its not like they are displaying their genitals. The nipple is the only thing that needs to be covered and its pretty stupid considering that men have nipples too.

    11:11 sounds just like a muslim that is offended by a women showing her ankle.They call them whores as well.

    As a nudist I can honestly say that my eyes tend to wander more when I see a woman that is in a bikini or other clothing that accentuates a woman's breast more than when they are completely out bare in the open.

    How is it fair for a man on a hot day to be able to remove his shirt while a woman is called a whore for wanting to do the same thing.

    "Before 1936, it was illegal for men to go topless. In 1934, 4 men went topless on Coney Island and were fined $1 each "... there are many people who object to seeing so much of your body exposed", said the woman magistrate!"

    Men faced the same stigma back then. Why is it not write for a woman. Just because some of you may feel ashamed doesn't mean others should not be allowed the same basic freedom.

  10. There are several prominate movie star families in Hollywood that practice "Family Nudity" in their home. Mom, dad, the children, all of them relax and co-exist in total nakedness. The family is not inhibited by the site of the human body. They even have their friends over and they are included in dinner, swimming, playing games, it is all quite normal. God mad us in his image, we are not to be ashamed of our bodies.

  11. Some can live with it, some obviously can't.


  12. Heard the protest was a bust!

  13. Go ahead and have your nudist colonies
    or beaches for those who don't care.
    But there are others who teach their
    children modesty as the bible teaches,
    so their views should be respected
    in general public places.

  14. AND the USELESS "SEX OFFENDER REGISTRY " WILL GROW Bigger now from this....LOL

  15. 3:37 well if prominent Hollywood families are doing it then you know it's wrong. Why would anyone follow what they do....most depraved people in the USA!

  16. We should burn all those horrible works of art that show breasts too and the statutes with lil pee pees carved on them should be chiseled off. Believe in the power of the bible. Just ask the woman that was just groped by a priest on a flight.


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