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Wednesday, August 19, 2015

The Salisbury/Wicomico Republican Club Proves Once Again To Be RINO's

When you have a club that is loaded with people who's best friends are leaders in the Democrat Club, it becomes very clear who the RINO's are.

When I ran for Mayor, they never once invited me to discuss my platform and stand before the voters and answer direct and blunt questions, yet they invited Debbie Campbell, (a democrat) to come in and speak. 

So here we are again with yet another election for Mayor and not one person from the republican party stepped forward to run for Mayor. It proves just how methodical they are, quietly hiding as a republican when in fact they are nothing but moles for the democrats. 

How many years does it take for citizens to realize they need to get rid of the people running that show and replace them with true republicans? I feel for the "worker bees" who are there for the right reason. Get rid of the RINO's and start fresh. They have proven to FAIL the citizens of the County and City time and time again. 


  1. It's been that way for ever. They ALL go to the same clubs, party's, functions. Their kids go to the same private schools and pass laws to benefit them. It's funny when elections come around and watch how the bash each other in front of us then go drink together and laugh at you.

  2. Yup Chuck Cook has successfully infiltrated and his puppets, Muir and Sarah , are running the club. And Julie is supporting Democrat baby killers for city council

    1. Who is Sarah 8:33 am?

    2. I remember how they treated BJ Corbin who just served as the club president. They chose to support Ron Alessi who wasn't a club memeber and never came to club meetings over BJ.

  3. Joe...spot on. The club is really worthless. Most of these knuckleheads would rather be "liked" than actually get some folks who will make a difference. They only work for select campaigns and they sabotage conservative candidates. I have watched it too many times in the past. This last election was absurd.

    The way they treated you as a candidate was patently offensive. They want apologists, not leaders. They want those who play "nice", not those who get something done and stand up for what is right. I use to call them RINOs but I have come to see that the entire party is more or less consumed by these hacks. Conservatives have the answers, and they generally belong to this party, but they have had it with this do nothing, get along nonsense.

  4. Joe it isn't just you. Typically they don't get involved in the city elections because they claim it is nonpartisan. I disagree with that and say that they need to get involved with the city elections because whatever happens in the city affects everybody in the county. Most of those members live in the county so they don't understand the effect of what happens in the city and could care less. Now the club is ran Shawn Jester, Jackie Welfonder and now known Libertarian and friend of Jim Ireton, Chuck Cook and the entire Democrat club Muir Boda. The club has been sabotaged under our own noses and we didn't even realize it. Shame on them if they give money to Muir Boda for running for office.

    1. The club under the guidance of the Cental Committee gave money to candidtes like joe Holloway, Mike Lewis and Matt Maciarello who didn't have opponents when that money should have been given to County opponents who did have a tougher opponent. what kind of leadership I that! Piss poor leadership at best.

  5. I've known they were crooked for a very long time, and now, others have seen the light.

  6. Great post -- shows why someone like Fake Day becomes mayor with no Republican opponent.

    1. You can blame Shawn Jester, Jackie Welfonder, Sean Fahey for that. I remember the Secretary Mike Swartz telling the club several times that the club should get involved in that race. The lazy bums haven't had nothing to do with a race over 8 months. That wouldn't have happened in a real club.

  7. There are plenty of red states to move to. Bye y'all.

  8. There aren't really two parties at the national level. What makes you think they're different locally?


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