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Tuesday, August 04, 2015

The Clinton's Financial Disclosure Forms Reveal $ 14.9 Million in Charity towards 'Themselves'

Hillary Clinton released a flurry of required financial disclosure forms on Friday's inner beltway document dump, related to her 2016 run for President.

The media, for the most part, dutifully reported the numbers with a robotic precision that failed to engender any of the heavy breathing that Trump's financial disclosure forms caused, only a week or so hence.

However, in Clinton's disclosure forms there was one bit of information that raised not a few reader's eyebrows, despite not being readily publicized, throughout the media.

The problem? Clinton listed her charitable contributions for 2014 at $ 3 million dollars.



  1. Of course she donates to herself so she can fly around and feel as if sh is doing something for someone.

  2. The Company ntons have always been lying crooks why change now. A leopard can't change his spots.

  3. Wow the Clintons are almost as good at stealing money as Trump is making money.

  4. There seems to be no limit to what the Clinton's are allowed to get away with

  5. Unholy trinity of evil!!!!

  6. Why aren't the Clintons in prison??? I guess their millions can buy them out of that too.

  7. does anyone remember when bill was president; they listed Used underwear as a deduction? google this. it's true...

  8. What else do you expect from these two liars and crooks

  9. Look... Bill is crossing his legs like Caitlyn and Killary is crossing hers like a Dork!

  10. Anonymous said...
    Why aren't the Clintons in prison??? I guess their millions can buy them out of that too.

    August 4, 2015 at 11:42 AM

    They are Democrats that's why!


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