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Sunday, August 02, 2015

The Baltimore Looting Has Led to a Problem That Is Very Unusual for the DEA

NEW YORK — The Drug Enforcement Administration is working through a backlog of Baltimore pharmacy robberies to identify and arrest looters who authorities say stole more than 300,000 doses of prescription pills.

During the civil unrest following the death of Freddie Gray after his fatal spinal injury in police custody, rioters broke into no less than 27 pharmacies across Baltimore, raiding safes and smashing storage cabinets to get their hands on Percocet, oxycodone and other controlled pharmaceuticals.

This case of mass-drug theft is unusual for the DEA, Special Agent Todd Edwards told TheBlaze.

“We usually deal with dismantling and disrupting drug trafficking organizations,” Edwards explained, “a lot of the looting is targets of opportunity.”



  1. No one will get arrested, they were virtually told to go and steal what they wanted, and destroy the city. What did the Mayor say, "Give them room to loot and destroy", so she gave them permission.

  2. Isn't all looting a case of a crime of opportunity?

  3. So we are supposed to believe these thugs are part time pharmacist? It doesn't say perk or oxy on the containers it comes in. Total bs

  4. I think they smashed and grabbed whatever they could. Maybe got lucky on a few

  5. Arrest the mayor!!!!!

  6. Baltimore is dead.
    I have undeniable information that 90% of the scheduled and planned conventions in downtown Baltimore over the next three years have been scrapped by the organizers.
    Of course, this information is in the hands of the City government and will not be released.
    Move over, Detroit, here comes Charm City.

  7. They knew it was going on. If they really wanted to "prevent" it, a "looters shot dead on sight" order would have been issued.

  8. A city full of walking dead zombies.

  9. I'm sure them pills are gone 300,000 doesn't sound like much. I have lost (died or cut out of my life) many friends family to pills/herion they would take 100+ a week. Do the math...more junkies out there now!

  10. 10:07
    In some of the pictures they showed of the riots the people had grabbed the bags of prescriptions that had already been filled and were waiting to be picked up by the customer. Those DO have what type of medicine is in the bottle clearly marked on them. They just grabbed them all and shorted them out later.

  11. There is a locked metal cage in every drug store storage room that is the CDS storage "safe".

    It's easily recognizable, and easily made off with as a unit.

  12. The black culture needs to change.

  13. A democrat poster city. Yep cesspool of welfare slaves.

  14. Baltimore is a hole let it implode and bulldoze then start over.


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