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Sunday, August 30, 2015

Ted Cruz Not Happy With Question From Megyn Kelly, Says It’s What ‘Liberal Journalist’ Would Ask

Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz was seemingly unhappy with a question on immigration Tuesday night from Fox News host Megyn Kelly, telling her it was something he’d expect to be asked from a “liberal journalist.”

Kelly asked the Texas senator the same question Donald Trump faced on the cable-news network Monday.

“If you have a husband and a wife who are illegal immigrants, and they had two children here who are American citizens — would you deport all of them? Would you deport the American citizen children?” she asked.



  1. I guess President Trump was right. She is a bimbo.

  2. Yes is the corect answer. Still, I dont believe the 14th included illegals and its an open ended clause.

  3. Yes, they are not citizens.

  4. She is starting to concern me

  5. In 08', "what books do you read", was considered a liberal "gotcha question". Now questions regarding a scenario that is 100% real for many is considered an attempt at a "gotcha" moment. Good job. Pretty soon, they won't have to answer any questions.

  6. Why do news people like Megan Kelly want be the story instead of reporting the story. The arrogance and wanna-be TV celebrity should stick to something she understands. This bimbo should just ask the questions and not try to use her limited intelligence.

    1. This happens when your ego switched places with your mouth.

  7. They are not citizens. The Liberals are misinterpreted the Amendment for their benefit. They never tell about when they turn, I believe 21, they can bring all their relatives to the US without proper paper work. Just wait in 10 years this illegals and Muslims will appoint the President and Congress with all the rights they are receiving.

  8. Did the NY Federal Judge just deport 2 children, American Citizens, to their German Father? The Mother was American and their Father was German but living in Morocco. These Children are American. These illegal anchor babies are not Americans because of a Liberal interpretation.

  9. This B!t!h loves publicity.

  10. aww maybe she should have asked him another god question, you know he is good at the god thing.

  11. Miss Bimbo liberal needs to join MSNBC where she will be more appreciated, she has done more damage to Fox's credibility than all their stupid decisions to fire anyone that espouses a true conservative view.

  12. She Never was a journolist she was a hack attorney.

  13. I would like to know what her deal is. Where's her bio so we know exactly what her problem is.

  14. Fox wont put on trumps press confrances WTF but CNN is and they are racking up the ratings .fox wake the hell up.

  15. Why are the republicans going on a Cnn debate ? Will hillary be interviewed by Fox?


  16. The on-air personalities have some leeway but they also have producers and research staff. The general thrust of a program is in sync with the network's vision of how it should run. If not, see how Glenn Beck transitioned out of Fox's picture.

    Also recall the general approach of the 'moderators' during debates Fox recently hosted.

    Fox beats the MSM hands down, but it's still an imperfect world.


  17. I don't see any benefit to Trump, or any other candidate, in going back and rekindling a disagreement with any on-air or print reporter or writer after the moment in question. It makes him/them look small when they want to impress us with their visionary acumen.

    Have sharp, principled exchanges when asked stupid, loaded or inappropriate questions...but don't get knocked off the point. Call them out for how they're tied to your opponents (supposedly this Ramos guy's daughter is a Hillary staffer), and point out that 'I'm taking your question while Hillary's in hiding'.

  18. Well she got away with that crap with Trump. Now Cruz has issues with her.


  19. Kelly and Fox News overestimate her ability to host
    a news show. I've never cared for her on-air presence.
    She talks too fast and doesn't ask intelligent questions
    for viewers to get more thorough info from guests.
    I never watched her more than a few times early on.
    Another one of those whose success has gone to their head.

    1. She is a fast talking lawyer and fox better wake up.

  20. She is the best thing that has happened to TV journalism for at least several decades. Not afraid to put the pols on the hot seat where they belong in their campaigns.

  21. The problem with these guys is that every time anyone asks them a tough question they yell liberal or "gotcha question" without actually answering the damn question. These guys are running for PRESIDENT, if they can't handle a Fox News reporter (doing her damn job), how are they going to hold up when faced with CNN or MSNBC? How will they hold up in a presidential debate? If these crybabies whining about Kelly actually manage to get the nomination, they will get eaten alive at the main event.


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