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Wednesday, August 05, 2015

State Rep. Made Allegations About ‘Nasty’ Officer During Hearing on Sandra Bland Case — So the Sheriff Released the Video

A Texas county sheriff’s office is hitting back against a state legislator’s allegations that one of its officers was “rude and nasty” during a traffic stop and released video evidence of the encounter to let the public judge for themselves.

“He talked to me like I was a child,” said State Representative Garnet Coleman, a democrat for the 147th district in Texas, at a hearing last week regarding the Sandra Bland case, according to KHOU-TV. ”He was so rude and nasty. Even when he found out I was a legislator, he became more rude and nasty. And I didn’t understand why this guy was continuing to go on and on and treat me like a child. And basically like I’m saying is treat me like a boy. I want to be very clear about that.”

On July 14, Coleman was stopped on I-10 by an Austin County Sheriff’s sergeant who clocked him going 94 mph.

“It’s a state official car. Had him at 94,” the sergeant relayed over radio to a dispatcher before stepping out of his vehicle.



  1. Maybe not 94 mph, but MD vehicles very rarely go the speed limit. Division of Corrections never goes the speed limit. They always are at least 10 mph over the speed limit. They have a greater liability.

  2. Wow, what an ahole letting it go with just a warning. And you have a complaint?

  3. 94?!!
    This is not the Autobahn.

  4. If he had been treated fairly, he should have received a ticket and points!

  5. Not another politician lying, imagine that!

  6. Thank you, 10:46! You are correct.And the complaint itself should change the warning to a ticket and fine immediately!


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