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Friday, August 28, 2015

Report: Bill Clinton ‘Incensed,’ ‘Very Agitated’ by Hype Around Biden Candidacy

The potential first First Gentleman is reportedly “very agitated” by the possibility Vice President Joe Biden may challenge Hillary Clinton for the Democratic presidential nomination.

Politico detailed President Bill Clinton’s frustration with the state of his wife’s campaign in a piece out Wednesday:

Clinton’s camp, hands full with the email controversy and a surprisingly stout challenge from independent Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, isn’t in a patient mood. Bill Clinton, according to a person who has spoken with the former president in the last couple of weeks, is “very agitated” by the possibility of a Biden candidacy and incensed at the press hype around a possible bid.



  1. When will the people stop giving these criminals power!

  2. Of course Bill is upset he's jonesing for some more not sex in the oval office closet.

  3. Shut up and smoke a stogie Willie. You and your hags day is upon you.

  4. Yes, he was hoping to start back where he left off on the revolving bedroom door for interns!

  5. What will he say when Monica's memoires are published?

  6. Chances are good she was paid a hefty sum NOT to write any memoirs.


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