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Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Remorse: Only 26% Would Vote For Obama Again

Poll debunks Obama's claim he could win third term

President Obama’s claim he could win a third term was debunked by a poll showing only 26% would vote for him again.

The Monmouth University poll released Monday also revealed that 68% would vote for someone else if the Constitution allowed Obama to run a third term.

The poll proves Obama wrong not long after he told members of the African Union he could win again.

“Under our Constitution, I cannot run again,” the president said. “I think if I ran, I could win.”



  1. Did more than 26% even vote the last time?

  2. How many of them actually express regret at voting for him in the first two elections.....?


  3. Six years of Obama forcing unpopular policies down Americans’ throats; six years of lies and misdeeds by the unaccountable wannabe totalitarian Communist; six years of lame growth and resulting wage suppression; six years of appeasing our enemies and facing down our friends; six years of dividing the country – they have all taken their toll.
    All can be attributed to the countries first African American President.
    Wow, what a legacy.

  4. I wasn't asked? So it is actually lower

  5. Bill Clinton is running again....His name is Hillary. That is why there are limitations...to keep the Hillary's of the world out of office. STOP THE CLINTONS!!


  6. All he can run is his mouth!

    Hope he takes his teleprompter and mirror so he can enjoy retirement!

  7. I didn't mind Bill Clinton. He, like Ronald Reagan, knew how to get things done, by sidestepping much of the bipartisan polarization. Hillary, on the other hand, strikes me as a bitter and opportunistic shrew.

    I do not vote via party affiliation. I vote for a candidate based upon their own merits, their track record, and what they are likely to accomplish. Usually it ends up Republican, but I have no problem voting for a qualified and worthy Democrat if that is the best option.

    I will never vote "for" someone based upon their skin color, though. That's for low information voters, and the truly ignorant.

  8. Now that the democrats have had their shot its time for Trump to clean up the mess. Just like Hogan is doing in MD

  9. 12:49 Your last sentance is the main reason we were cursed with O twice.

  10. OK, so let him have a go at it....I'll buy the popcorn for everybody!

  11. Obama voters are people who it doesn't matter if the economy goes up or down it doesn't affect them.

  12. 4:19 PM:

    It does matter, because the EBT card buys less, gas costs more, etc. What they don't get is that it all matters, but they've been hoodwinked into thinking that they're immune.

  13. I'm still not convinced he was truly elected the first or second time yet. Let's not get ahead of ourselves speaking of a third...

  14. That 26% needs to be shot. Please put them idiots out of their misery.


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