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Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Rand Paul Unloads on Donald Trump: ‘I’ll Be Damned if I’m Going to Stand Passively By’

“It makes me sad to think that Tea Party awakening could be hijacked or hoodwinked by a guy who supported the bank bailouts, supported Obamacare and continues to support the Clintons,” Paul wrote.

“I was there at the first Tea Party in 2007 and I’ll be damned if I’m going to stand passively by and watch the movement destroyed by a fake conservative,” he added.

Paul pointed out that Trump, who leads among Republican primary voters in most polls by double digits, was first a Republican, then became an independent, then a Democrat and more recently, a Republican again.

“Trump has paid over $1.5 million to politicians from both sides of the aisle, from Harry Reid to Rahm Emanuel to Jeb Bush,” Paul wrote. “The majority of his donations were to Democrats until a few years ago when he began thinking more seriously of making a play for the Republican nomination.”



  1. Paul does have some good points however Ronald Reagan started out as a Democrat and then became Republican. He was by far the best president this country has had in 50 years. If Paul would start redirecting his attacks at the Democratic party and their lapdog media I would begin to consider him. I do respect Rand's legacy in the Senate. I also like Ted Cruz. Time will tell who is the best candidate.

  2. Paul is a complete moron....

  3. I like doable,and Paul has a doable plan.I like Trump,but a doable agenda? Forget forward momentum for a moment and be realistic.

  4. Paul will be leaving the race soon.

  5. RE:1:11
    Reagan killed the unions
    Reagan killed manufacturing in the US
    Reagan killed the middle class and made the 1% richer

  6. Rand you didn't do too much when the Tea Party was co-opted by evangelicals. And remind me who you endorsed in the last election? Wasn't your daddy...

  7. 1:31 Reagan DID NOT kill the middle class, they thrived under Reagan (I know I am one) that was your buddy Obama. Also the manufacturing began its fastest dissapperance under Clinton and Bush, Obama pretty much aided in that also. Reagan did stop the antics of some corrupt greedy unions, (not kill them) that I can agree on. Try again.


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