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Friday, August 14, 2015

Proposed Law Changes Aimed At OC Vehicle Events; Public Nuisance Issues Targeted

OCEAN CITY – For the last couple of years, city officials have promised action to ease concerns over vehicular events in Ocean City, and a first step is the Police Commission proposing recommended changes to city laws.

The most recent event to worry residents was Cruisin, which hit Ocean City in May with 3,400 classic cars officially registered for the event and thousands more unaffiliated with it. While the officially registered participants appeared to be well behaved for the most part and attended the event’s official activities at the Inlet and Roland E. Powell Convention Center, the uninvited groups raced up and down Coastal Highway and other streets, dumped trash in parking lots and left a considerable amount of rubber on the roads.

Cruisin has become one of the biggest weekends of the year in Ocean City, according to promoter and organizer Bob Rothermel and many business owners. While local residents bristled at the steady roar of the hot rod engines and the consequences of the large convergence, special events drive the economy in Ocean City, especially in the shoulder seasons. Balancing them with the quality of life has always been a challenge.



  1. ANYTHING to punish the very people Ocean City Officials are trying to attract. IF you want to market the City as a BUSINESS, this is what it takes to run a business. Deal with it, stop fining, ticketing and punishing people or they will surely get smart and go elsewhere.

    1. The constituents went to the elected officials and asked for a change in the way these highway events are managed. The elected officials responded. Isn't that democracy in action? Isn't that the American Way?

  2. Most people already do......only an idiot would waste their time with ocean city.....not what it was 25 years ago.....heck the jersey shore is now much nicer and very tourist friendly.....

    1. Maybe it's YOU that is "not what it was 25 years ago".
      Ocean City is still the same. It's society that changes. Deal with it or just go take a nap.
      Jersey shore? You've GOT to be kidding. Ask any visitor from Jersey why they come to OC. They'll tell you.
      Start with a fee to sit on the beach at most beaches. No beach tag? You get fined and removed from the beach until you purchase one.
      Add dirty beaches. One of Christie's 800 budget-cutting deals had to do with beach cleaning. It shows.
      Here's one good thing about the Jersey beaches:
      They've initiated a wide-spread needle exchange for heroin addicts. (I guess they're just too lazy to go to the surf and pick up the ones that wash up on the beach.)

    2. Ask any visitor.....so you don't have a clue what the jersey shore is now or was. Ocean city has to go advertise in new jersey,pa.,and other states for business.....not the jersey shore......oc has turned into a tired, worn out overpriced dump.....oh and as the tourism numbers decline .........no shock....don't even try to compare the two.....oc will never win......not even close....

  3. If they allowed it to continue it would get exponentially worse until the familys are chased out.

  4. 11:42--
    SOME constituents went & complained. Traffic in OC is a nightmare at best at many times. Maybe they should outlaw shift changes, as traffic is horrible 3-4 P.M.


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