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Monday, August 10, 2015

President Obama’s Attitude Toward Radical Islam

Opinion: Is Obama's appeasement of radical Islam the result of political naivete - or something else entirely?

(Israel National News)--
Critics repeatedly claim that the reason President Barack Obama agreed to a catastrophic nuclear deal with Iran is his naiveté, his ineptness, and his being out negotiated. Does Obama’s record validate that thesis? Or is there evidence that President Obama’s feelings toward Islamism may require a different conclusion?

President Obama attended Pastor Jeremiah Wright’s anti-America, anti-Israel church for 20 years while calling Wright a “great man and my mentor.” Obama helped organize radical Muslim racist Louis Farahkan’s Million Man March in Washington – but refused to attend the four million man march against radical Islamic terrorism in Paris. Obama’s closest friends include Rashid Khalidi, Columbia professor, an extremist anti-Israel activist.

Although Obama has called American police and much of America racist, he has refused to ever utter the term “Islamic terrorist” when Jihadists murdered eighteen U.S. soldiers in Ford Hood and Tennessee and said nothing when two Islamic terrorists attempted to murder hundreds of Americans at a Mohammed cartoon drawing event in Texas. He’s even ordered all official military and US government documents to delete such terms.

It may surprise you to learn that during his first campaign for president, Obama said Islamic terrorist groups “Hamas and Hezbollah....have legitimate claims” (NY Times, May 16, 2008). And during the latest Hamas war against Israel, Obama sent Hamas $47 million, urged Israel to accept an early ceasefire, refused sending critical arms to Israel for several days and unnecessarily stopped US commercial flights to Israel for a short period.

More here


  1. How can he send 47M to Hamas without congressional approval?

  2. The problem is that he is Islamic. he was raised that way and hasn't changed. This is reason he never speaks out against the Islamic religion. Even when they are beheading Americans and killing our
    military men and taking over our Embassy and murdering people. Why doesn't the media or politicians or someone anyone speak the truth and call Obama out on this and make him admit he is Islamic.

  3. Through the State Department, 12:25.

  4. He's a Muslim. Why is this so hard to understand?????

  5. Obama is a Muslim and a Communist. Anyone who has not figured this out by now is stupid or deceived.

  6. I am sick of hearing all of this mouthing off. What are you going to do to make sure this isn't in the white house after the next election. You want to do something to make this place better besides just running your stupid mouth....get out and bring back this country ...and no by putting in a 1% rich guy who is only interested in holding on to his money. Get a real candidate. Mouthing off is for babies.

  7. The only reason he atended Wright's church was for political reasons. He is a the worst kind of fraud and liar.


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