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Sunday, August 16, 2015

Police In Riot Gear Attempt To Clear Large Crowd Of Dirt Bikers In Baltimore

BALTIMORE (WJZ)– A massive police response in the area Druid Hill Park on Sunday night where authorities attempted to disperse hundreds of dirt bikers.

WJZ’s Amy Yensi has the latest.

Baltimore police dressed in riot gear lined Reisterstown Road in northwest Baltimore as dirt bikers—posing a risk to drivers and bystanders–scoured the streets.

“They impose a very immediate and extreme danger, to the community as they do not ordinarily follow traffic rules and regulations,” said Marc Partee, Commander North West District.

The situation quickly escalates and extra officers are brought in to handle the growing threat.



  1. it has nothing to do with safety, tho I can agree it can cause some safety concerns...

    Really what this is about is money, tax money they are not getting from the guys who won't or don't tag or get a license to drive those bikes on the street... The cops are mad because they can't chase you down and find out who you are...

    Remember all, you gave up most of your rights in the name of safety, and yet, nothing has changed and has gotten worse if anything... When you evoke your rights, you are labeled a terrorist or by the cops you are called hassle and Uncooperative...

  2. 11:41 what they are doing is illegal. what about that do you not understand?
    I have a motorcycle, its insured and tagged. I have a mc endorsement.

    why should they not have these things?

    1. Can't license and insure a stolen bike!

  3. You are clueless 11:41 and really need to get off the Eastern Shore and see what is going on in the real world before commenting further.
    They weave in and out of traffic and go in between the vehicles on the highways, more often than not going in excess of 80 mph in bumper to bumper traffic. They taunt and harass other drivers and have been known to point guns at them.
    It has nothing to do with money and has all to do with the safety of the law biding drivers on the road.

  4. Shotgun bean bags please, this is from the attitude of the obama admin let the thugs do what they want ?

  5. Not single right has been lost. Can you name ONE?

    1. The right to use proper grammar?

  6. 11:41 Why is it that blacks feel that they do not have to obey the laws? That is the problem, period.

  7. They don't have insurance nor do they have anything so when they injure someone (or damage something) the innocent party suffers and it has happened-numerous times including a small child (bystander) getting killed.
    I seen them in action. They not only are weaving and speeding excessively, they are doing wheelies, going the wrong way down one way streets. It's all about breaking the law and getting away with it to them.

  8. This wasn't a matter of a couple kids on dirt bikes on the road, being a nuisance. This was hundreds of them, and they were creating a mob scene (as usual). Many of the bikes were stolen.

    Scooters, even little 49cc ones, have to be registered, insured, and display a sticker. Why shouldn't dirt bikes being driven on the road?

  9. Give them room to destroy

    1. Yep, right in their own slums.

  10. All those bikes are stolen. Not most.

  11. 12:26...I can name a few, and for you to say that, like the Patriot Act doesn't exist and the NDAA is not enforced, is mind boggling.
    1) right to a trial by a jury of our peers. GONE. Replaced by secret arrests, secret trials, and secret judges who sentence you to a secret prison. In the USA! Habeas Corpus also out the window.
    2) The right to be free in one's person and papers. Replaced by NSA's dragnet and total surveillance and recording of all electronic communications. Without warrant. Don't forget police using Stingray devices to WIRETAP (!) all cell phones in a given area. Without warrant. (this might be a good time to go read the 4TH amendment).
    Nazi "checkpoints", where police stop, interrogate, and search you in your previously unrestrained right to travel freely (a right not specifically spelled out, but there's an amendment for that, too).
    3) All I will say for this one is "Second Amendment". I don't have time to list the problems..
    4) Freedom of Religion. Replaced by officials who actually think they have the right to subpoena a pastor's Sunday sermons to see if he is talking about politics. And by officials who somehow came to the conclusion that, in spite of the innumerable references to God on our money, buildings, historical writings, etc., that their mission is to erase ANY reference at all to God.
    5) Freedom of the Press. Replaced by judges who JAIL reporters for
    not telling them who gave them the bribery video in which they star.
    My God. Start paying attention.
    Interrupt the cheering if you have to, but for the love of God and country, pay attention..

  12. Imclain aka al sharpton I was at the roit were you?

  13. No....I was at school. Studying spelling. You should have come there instead of going to the "roit". Is that a nightclub for dropouts?
    Argue the facts.
    Too busy cheerleading?? Or do you think the Constitution is the name of the band playing at the roit tonight??
    Use your name, you sissy.

  14. Shoot them dead, that is how you restore order, kill them all and let God sort them out!

  15. What angers me is that this crew is the sole reason of the regulations to tag, insure, and wear a helmet on motor scooters. This is a regulation that virtually destroyed resort scooter riding in Ocean City.
    Not only just private owners/riders, but also no less than ten rental businesses in town. As this time there are over 300 scooters for sale in and around Ocean City. (I say "for sale" but they will probably just give them to you.
    Thank you to the inane liberals that accepted this incredibly stupid legislation.
    For those of you that want stricter gun control, take notes. ONLY the ones that a skirting the law have the scooters now. This is a lesson that should not be ignored.
    If you don't mind the helmet, the insurance, the tax, the tag, the title on what used to be a fun, safe, and perfect way to get around Ocean City, my $1600 scooter is now for sale - and has been for sale - for $200 for the past year. No takers.
    I'm thinking about insuring it to the max, and towing it to Pratt & Baltimore Street, leave it on the street, go have a drink at a bar, wait for it to get stolen, and collect the insurance. Shouldn't take too long.
    Government idiocy at it's worst.

  16. Anonymous lmclain said...
    No....I was at school. Studying spelling. You should have come there instead of going to the "roit". Is that a nightclub for dropouts?
    Argue the facts.
    Too busy cheerleading?? Or do you think the Constitution is the name of the band playing at the roit tonight??
    Use your name, you sissy.

    Imclain, I don't know who you are but I love it! Every now and again I use your phrase "Keep cheering." We think a lot alike, keep up the good work. Too many knuckle draggers on this earth to admit evolution is complete! Hahahaa


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