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Wednesday, August 05, 2015

Maryland board to review abolishing 63 positions

ANNAPOLIS, Md. (AP) — The Maryland Board of Public Works is scheduled to consider whether to abolish 63 positions in the state’s Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services.

The board, which includes Gov. Larry Hogan, Treasurer Nancy Kopp and Comptroller Peter Franchot, is scheduled to take up the proposal on Wednesday.

Hogan, a Republican, made the proposal to the board to save roughly $3 million.



  1. Always smart to cut cops jobs in Maryland. Look how safe Baltimore is with omally gun laws.

  2. This will not hurt Staffing. Headquarters is so top heavy they could eliminate at least 30 there. You have a Secretary of ______ for everything from the Commissioner down to the house keeping dept. ECI has an Administrator / Supervisor for everything. They can eliminate half their Administrators down to Lieutenants, they don't need all these unknowledgeable individuals, and let the Sergeants do their job as in the MS22. But then their home boys would not be promoted to sit around and do nothing. This goes back to Leadership and knowing how to properly staff an Institution. This is through out the Division of Correction (corruption). So it can be done without jeopardizing security.


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