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Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Man catches record-breaking Snakehead on Potomac River

WASHINGTON — A fish caught on the Potomac River over the weekend has set a new state record.

Todd Murphy shot a Northern Snakehead with a bow and arrow early Saturday in Mattawoman Creek in Charles County, which is a tributary of the Potomac River.

The fish officially weighed in at 17.47 pounds and is almost 36 inches long.

Maryland Department of Natural Resources Biologist Branson Williams certified the catch.



  1. It would take a giant sleeping bag for that thing to crawl into while you are at a campground by the river.They don't feel as scaly as a regular fish does.More slimy than scaly with teeth like a Barracuda.

  2. True story:
    When the state was just starting to panic about finding these snakeheads in local waterways, they found one in a pond on the mainland of Maryland. It was part of a chain of ponds and so they were afraid the fish would be able to crawl from pond to pond (they can for short distances). Immediately all the government environmental folks showed up along with the press. They were talking about poisoning the pond and killing everything in it. They also considered the idea of a million dollar fence surrounding the pond to keep the fish contained. In the midst of all the panic an old man with a fishing rod came through the area. It was explained to him what was going on, to which he responded, "I've been catching those things here for over 10 years."


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