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Sunday, August 02, 2015

Just When Salisbury NEEDED Their Fire Boat For A Rescue...

A picture tells a thousand words.


  1. That's a million taxpayer dollars sitting there waiting for probably another 50,000 taxpayer dollars so it can go for another 6 months.

  2. How can it be out of commission? Has it even ever been used?

  3. Said when it was purchased, or "free", the cost to maintain it was not disclosed, intentionally! Then they think a million dollar jet boat can stay in the water, without being run. WRONG!

    1. It's because they did zero research, just bought the most expensive one out there. Typical, very typical.

  4. Where is it? Has to be driven (piloted) to be dry docked, can't exactly pull it on a trailer, like the boat they should have specified. The Boston Whaler like MSP has with a fire pump would have been one third the cost.

  5. A 16 foot outboard on a trailer would be more useful, more mobile, wouldn't be out of commission and would be a lot cheaper. Wait... didn't they have one before?

  6. Anonymous said...
    How can it be out of commission? Has it even ever been used?

    July 26, 2015 at 7:26 PM


  7. WTH is it doing dry docked?

  8. This is why the SFD has no respect. dito for most others. Spend like drunken sailors, then scream we're all hero's.

  9. Anonymous said...
    This is why the SFD has no respect. dito for most others. Spend like drunken sailors, then scream we're all hero's.

    July 26, 2015 at 8:26 PM


  10. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    It's because they did zero research, just bought the most expensive one out there. Typical, very typical.

    July 26, 2015 at 8:28 PM

    Hoppes and his liberal spending just wanted to keep up with buying newer, bigger and more expensive toys under the guise of being free to the tax payers! He should be fired immediately.

    Richard A. Hoppes do everyone a favor and RESIGN!!

  11. Really not a problem. This is the way Democrats operate. Not to worry though, it's just your money. Suck it up cupcake. Keep voting Democratic you bunch of morons.

  12. Unfortunately this boat is a lemon plagued by problems since its arrival. Built in Canada (Gordy’s choice) warranty repairs have been a huge struggle from day one. Gordy just had to have this boat so our tax dollars went to Canada rather an American business owner even better how about a local business. Ocean City had a very fine boat built locally why couldn’t Salisbury? Gordy! Salisbury does not need this boat. They used marine 16 a smaller trailer able boat and made out just fine. Meanwhile the lemon sets in dry-dock waiting for repairs at who knows how much. You can’t blame Gordy for all this either because Hoppes was the acting fire chief while Gordy ran ramped spending every dollar he could get his hands on.

  13. That fancy fence surrounding it will do a great job protecting the SS Gordy from vandals in da bury. Our tax dollars at work.


  14. Back in the day it was said that Jaguar owners actually needed two Jaguars; one to drive while the other was being repaired.

    I'm thinking we need a second fahr boat; if they reuse the first blueprints can probably save a couple of bucks.

    All in favor?

  15. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Unfortunately this boat is a lemon plagued by problems since its arrival. Built in Canada (Gordy’s choice) warranty repairs have been a huge struggle from day one. Gordy just had to have this boat so our tax dollars went to Canada rather an American business owner even better how about a local business. Ocean City had a very fine boat built locally why couldn’t Salisbury? Gordy! Salisbury does not need this boat. They used marine 16 a smaller trailer able boat and made out just fine. Meanwhile the lemon sets in dry-dock waiting for repairs at who knows how much. You can’t blame Gordy for all this either because Hoppes was the acting fire chief while Gordy ran ramped spending every dollar he could get his hands on.

    July 26, 2015 at 9:45 PM

    You are very correct. I was going to bust on you until your last sentence. Even when Hoppes wasn't he acting chief, Jeff Simpson was, and Hoppes spent over a year working on that project under Simpson. Hoppes had nothing else to do so he worked on this full time under Simpson as well as before and after Simpson. That is why they call it the S.S. Hoppes.

  16. Anonymous said...
    A 16 foot outboard on a trailer would be more useful, more mobile, wouldn't be out of commission and would be a lot cheaper. Wait... didn't they have one before?

    July 26, 2015 at 8:12 PM

    They had a perfect fire boat that was paid for and the perfect size, but they got rid of it for practically nothing. They gave it away for free almost. Remember the one that Joe posted the picture of that capsized in the marina. They let that boat go to waste just like they are doing the building at Station 2 on Brown Street. This is what they do when they want something new.

  17. 10:00 PM it has already been named the S.S. Hoppes. Sorry about that, but good observation there.

  18. I thought we were done with Gordy, but that criminal is the General Contractor for the new mini-mansion of a fire station going up on Naylor Street.

  19. It's times like this that John Tull is drooling over the fact that Hoppes is getting closer to retiring. Can you imagine John Tull being your next fire chief.

  20. Probably dry docked to scrape off all the sewage sludge from the wicomico river! It should be call the sludge cutter!!!!

  21. Since 911 all firemen and women think they are heroes , they have a job , I just wish they would do it properly.
    A FF is suppose to put fires out , period. You hold a hose and the water does the rest. If McDonalds gets a 15 an hour raise then the Far Dept. should be at 7 an hour tops.

  22. Does a fardog ride on the front of a farboat just like it does in a fartruck?

  23. "Anonymous said...
    Since 911 all firemen and women think they are heroes , they have a job , I just wish they would do it properly.
    A FF is suppose to put fires out , period. You hold a hose and the water does the rest. If McDonalds gets a 15 an hour raise then the Far Dept. should be at 7 an hour tops."

    ^ I'm not a paid SBY FF but I do volunteer in this county, and to see this comment is absolutely sickening. This comment is down right disgusting and so far from the truth. You sir/mam are sitting at a computer and degrading the very people that have put in the time and training to save your life if there is a fire, natural disaster, car accident, or anything life threatening that YOU DO NOT have the skills to save yourself from. How does this post have anything to do with FF's not doing their job?? They did their job; and they did it well. While you were fast asleep thinking about ways to justify a burger flipper to make more money than a FF or a Paramedic; Paid FF's and volunteers were up in the middle of the night looking for a man in distress. Sure; the big nice expensive fire boat wasn't on scene but the job got done. So; just to try and make sense of what you've said.. You would rather have the people serving you fast food handling being the one's paid to save your life? At $7 an hour that's all your going to be able to find. Let me know how that works out for you.

  24. I guess the poo patrol is out of commission for the moment.

  25. Regardless of the boat, a life was lost, and first responders were there. May God rest his soul, bless his family with strength, and also, to forgive all the armchair, callous people above this thread.

  26. No, a life was possibly lost because the responders did not respond with appropriate equipment.

    1. Your comment is invalid. What was the bigger boat going to do?? Hold more divers? Please reconsider your choice to have an Internet connection.

  27. Have not heard anyone say it was dry docked for the lack of a qualified Captain to operate this vessel properly. That would be a cost of over $200,000 in salary to have it operating 24/7. Oh! I forgot anyone can operate it with Captain license like the equipment being operated without the proper Drivers License. If this is incorrect Tell me how many FF have CDL / Non-commercial CDL license that driver these vehicles. If there are any they sure don't operate the equipment safely as required. They drive like a Drunk.

  28. You don't need a captain's license to operate the fire boat and everyone that drives the heavy equipment for SFD is required to have a class B non-commercial license at a minimum.

  29. 11:27: " do that with schools also.


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