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Tuesday, August 04, 2015

Joe Biden: The Drug War Presidential Candidate

As the scandal-ridden Hillary Clinton begins to look less desirable to Democrats, Obama’s vice president is being touted as a possible candidate.

Progressives and the liberal wing of the Democrat party are understandably less than excited about the trusted CFR insider and would prefer to see the independent socialist Bernie Sanders go up against whomever the Republicans decide to run.

According to Politico, Biden is “a beloved figure in the Democratic Party, a stand-up guy” and establishment Democrats want him “in the wings if Clinton for some reason implodes,” which appears increasingly likely as the former Secretary of State takes heat for the email and Benghazi scandals. If opinion polls can be believed, her unfavorability rating stands at 48.1 percent.
The Police State Candidate

Biden has enabled the disastrous Drug War and played a key role in militarizing law enforcement. He considers domestic crime to be a national security issue on par with terrorism and worked hard in the Senate to push through draconian legislation, including mandatory minimum sentences and the creation of a cabinet-level drug czar.



  1. wasn't Biden selected for VP based on his foreign policy "GRAVITAS"?

  2. 12:07 No he was selected to make Obama look good, a sort of insurance policy against any harm to the POTUS.


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