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Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Jeb 'Realigning' to Be More Attractive to GOP Base

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush has defined his candidacy by an unwillingness to fall in line with traditional conservative views that resonate with the base, but there is some evidence as of late that he has shifted to the right, said the National Review.

At a meeting recently of Freedom Partners Chamber of Commerce summer conference, he used a question-and-answer session to say he would not strike a deal that raised taxes in exchange for spending cuts, even though in 2012, as the government began inching toward a shutdown, he supported that proposal when Democrats offered Republicans the bargain.

"I think he’s attempting to do two things at once: He wants to be seen as kind of the adult in the room who’s operating in shades of gray and is a real leader as opposed to Donald Trump," a top Republican strategist told National Review. "But at the same time, I think he knows that he needs to make himself more attractive to conservatives."

Bush appeared to back away from his stance in support of Common Core when he told New Hampshire’s First in the Nation Voters Forum last week that the federal government should not have any role in the creation of educational standards.

"States ought to create standards," he said.

More here


  1. Talk is cheap.

    He's got significant history to look at.

  2. Enough of the Bush dynasty. And we do not need a Clinton dynasty.

  3. We've had enough of the Bush legacy. Oil, oil, oil, death, death, death.


  4. Just a head fake for the low info crowd; will run to the left of middle. 7:43 is correct; he's said and done a lot that makes him less desirable than many of the truly excellent GOP candidates.

    Still better than any Democrat Socialist, but that's damning with faint praise.

  5. No more

  6. But 7:07 and others,why is Jeb the chosen one? I can't figure out how the public can be screaming so loud and still not be heard.The GOP is saying Jeb or else unless I'm missing something.The masses are being ignored.

  7. This is why people don't like or trust politicians. They don't stand on any principle. They blow which ever way the wind does.

  8. he is STILL a proponent of Common Core and Amnesty. Don't trust him to do the conservative solution to issues...

  9. Political speak for "I'm going to now say whatever you want to hear, because if I get elected, I'm going to do what ever I want. Your opinion won't matter then, and the only people I'll listen to after that are the ones who gave me the biggest bribes".
    See how that works?
    Keep cheering.


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