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Thursday, August 20, 2015

It took 2 years for charges in Geer’s death. That could be the easy part.

It took two years, the involvement of county and federal prosecutors and a special grand jury before a former Fairfax County police officer was indicted Monday on a charge of second-degree murder in the shooting of an unarmed Springfield, Va., man in 2013.

But for prosecutors, the hard work may just be beginning.

Legal experts and former prosecutors said securing a conviction against Adam D. Torres in the killing of 46-year-old John Geer may be difficult. For social and legal reasons, prosecuting a police officer presents challenges not seen in other cases.


1 comment:

  1. How about prosecuting a man who EXECUTED an unarmed man standing in his doorway while talking to another police officer?
    It doesn't take a lot of thought, rationalization, or "special challenges".
    Equal justice under the law. Not "two sets of laws".
    Who, besides other cops, thinks that it should take TWO YEARS to charge someone for murder? "We, the people" would already be in prison and this cop is still walking around free?
    He shot to death an unarmed man who was not behaving irrationally or threatening anyone. He was standing in his front doorway.
    If YOU shot him, would YOUR charges take two years???
    Two sets of laws. Right in your face.
    Brought to you by people who have SWORN to uphold the law, but still think there are "challenges" in applying it equally to all.
    Which one is it? Are they stupid? Or are they lying?
    Keep cheering.


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