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Wednesday, August 26, 2015

IRS Finds Yet Another Lois Lerner Email Account

Lois Lerner had yet another personal email account used to conduct some IRS business, the tax agency confirmed in a new court filing late Monday that further complicates the administration’s efforts to be transparent about Ms. Lerner’s actions during the tea party targeting scandal.

The admission came in an open-records lawsuit filed by Judicial Watch, a conservative public interest law firm that has sued to get a look at emails Ms. Lerner sent during the targeting.

IRS lawyer Geoffrey J. Klimas told the court that as the agency was putting together a set of documents to turn over to Judicial Watch, it realized Ms. Lerner had used yet another email account, in addition to her official one and another personal one already known to the agency.

“In addition to emails to or from an email account denominated ‘Lois G. Lerner‘ or ‘Lois Home,’ some emails responsive to Judicial Watch’s request may have been sent to or received from a personal email account denominated ‘Toby Miles,’” Mr. Klimas told Judge Emmet G. Sullivan, who is hearing the case.

It is unclear who Toby Miles is, but Mr. Klimas said the IRS has concluded that was “a personal email account used by Lerner.”

Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch, said it was stunning the agency was just now admitting the existence of the address.



  1. So is she going to share a cell with Hillary?

  2. We're going to be finding more and more about what's been wrong with the Obama presidency for the next ten years.
    I can't wait for the next president to unseal those Obama school loan records and college transcripts.
    This has really put the "any" in "anybody can be president."

  3. 12:38 - most of the rest of us already know that the government has been infiltrated by people that have their own interests above that of serving the country....just look at those that have done us harm and/or have influence....see where they came from:
    Nidal Hasan - killed people from inside the US Army.
    Huma Abedin - advised Hillary Clinton as secretary of state.
    Valarie Jarrett - advises the POSOTUS on a regular basis - he doesn't take a crap without consulting her.
    Al Sharpton - meets with the POSOTUS on a regular basis.
    Worst of all - Barack Hussein Obama - hides everything about his history from the public...I'm still waiting to hear one good thing that he as done for this country that didn't further his agenda first! Aside from all of the damage that he did to the stability, safety, and reputation of this country....

    It's really unfortunate that anybody can be president....consider what Johnson did after Kennedy was assassinated; consider what shape we were in globally before Reagan took over the mess left to him; Bill Clinton decimated our military - right after we needed them.

    Your votes have consequences - long term...longer than the current tenure in the white house...It'll take decades to recover from what these socialists have done to this country over the span of this POSOTUS!

  4. They better charge her soon, so that Obama can pardon her before he leaves office.

  5. When will you guys get it , it's all about the culture of Obama . He's a black muslim and should say it all.

  6. Lock 'em all up...in Mexico.


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