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Sunday, August 16, 2015

If You Think Ireton Was A Drama Queen, Meet The EBT Blogger Who Thinks You Are "Stupid"

"I have been called controversial for being a very opinionated individual, but I look at it more as being less tolerant to stupidity that surrounds us all everyday. If you want more of the same with politicians telling you what they want you to hear, then I am not your candidate". "If I decide to run I would need your help"

No, it's more like, If I decide to give up a good portion of my disability benefits and affordable housing I'll run for City Council. I think ALL of you know how much I'd LOVE for this guy to run. I'd LOVE to start sharing all of the articles he has published about my Wife and Grandson. He is bluffing for attention because he can't/won't give up his free ride.

Let's hear it Ladies & Gentlemen, if the EBT Blogger does in fact decide to run, would you vote for him and why or why not. Give us a reason either way.

I walked the walk. I said I would run against Ireton. I moved to Salisbury, I knocked on thousands of doors and I never slowed down. Put your money where your mouth is and be a man for once in your life.
Can you imagine just how many Council Members would be flooding the seats who are on subsidies!!! They'd have to expand the handicap parking spaces at the GOB for sure. I can just see all of the new affordable housing units that would be proposed in the City for the next four years. 

All I can say is, you people better start making a lot of calls over the next seven days to get as many people as you know to run for all of these seats or guess what, your property value will plummet even more then it already has.

Help Jake Day by at least giving him a chance to salvage what Tilghman and Ireton have destroyed all these years. Get some people to run or you will forever regret it. 


  1. And, the citizens of Salisbury are dumb enough to vote for this freeloader just because they can. This is laughable.

  2. A guy who can barely walk or WORK because his legs won't support that weight, but can't stop stuffing his fat face, is accusing OTHER people of being stupid?
    A perfect politician.

    1. Then why do you give him info. Keep cheering

  3. Well, that will just make it a majority council, when you factor in Shaney Shields and the methadone addict. Sweet, Salisbury will have achieved its dream levels. Run by a bunch of welfare queens.

    FMTT, Might as well just hand them all your money as you leave town, cause it's only just starting to get bad.

  4. Come on Joe that picture needs to be blurred there are children on here

  5. As a non-resident of Salisbury, I would like to see an Ireton/JT battle just to watch them sling mud at each other. It is pathetic that the city can't rustle up someone worthwhile to run.

  6. No. I will never vote for him. I have seen his attacks on women . His heart is black. I have tried to put comments up and he rejects them. I pray regularly for God to heal him.

  7. All candidates should provide a detailed financial report including all sources of income including welfare and food stamps. We have a right to know if they are on the public dole.

  8. I hate to say this joe but I would vote for him over Jim. So far JT is the only one that will step up against Jim. We can not let jim win by default.

  9. Jake and Jims views are the same. Do not let this fool you. They will work together to push their agenda for downtown. We need people to run against Jim and Jake.

  10. No I would never vote for him. His lack of honesty and integrity is telling. He has self esteem issues and begs to be liked and that is why he started his blog. He also owes money. Someone who owes money, is dishonest, lacks integrity and tries excessively hard to get others to pay them attention to them is open to taking bribes.

  11. I would rather have Taylor than Ireton

  12. You people wouldn't know a decent candidate if it bit you on the butt. Like Day you will support him then talk trash about him. There is one thing Salisbury lacks and will continue to be the armpit of the Eastern Shore. CLASS!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. Anon 1:20 Please be specific and tell us what their agenda is for downtown. I'm a Republican, live in the county and can't vote but I see a lot of growth happening downtown. So again I ask you what is their agenda?

  14. Most of the comments of encouragement in his post, are just sarcastic comments to lead him on and further show what a fool he really is, that he would have that much sincere support. I myself posted two. The same people encouraging him would never vote for him once the curtains are closed in the voting booth. What a dork! He might be able to be better than Shanie though, but that isn't saying much.

  15. If he decides to run he will need a lot of help, doubt he can run past the dinner table

  16. Why would anyone consider JT? He can't even manage his own finances let alone those of a city. How can anyone expect him to be responsible spending others money when he is so careless with his own. He owes money to a lot of people. Check out Maryland Case search. He owes money to people yet finds money to go on vacation? I guess that is how the democrats work. They only pay for the things they want. They have no accountability to their actions. If you take on a debt you pay OFF the debt and don't welch on it so you can go on vacation. He begs for money to bury his father yet can go on vacation a few months later. Sorry he is scum if you ask me.

  17. "If I decide to run I would need your help"

    For him to be able to run he would need more than our help. Looks like he hasn't been able to run in 25 years. Gluttony is not a recommendation for public office.

  18. 1:31, Any comments of encouragement are either coming from my friends, (because we want him to run and win) and the rest are coming straight from him under anonymous. His followers are extremely minimal and I mean that sincerely. I will challenge each and every one of you, name the time and place and I will meet you as a GROUP and I will personally show you the REAL traffic in the millions on Salisbury News. Then I'd say, make the EBT Blogger do the same and you'll very quickly learn the man is a bold face liar. I get the calls telling me he says I have no traffic. Well, guess what, I do have ADVERTISERS and if I lied in any way they would have every right to sue me. The guy had to wear a mask, (Grinch) for how many years? He's a mental case who believes his own lies because he wants to be me. Here's a guy who will never own a home. Oh, by the way, you can buy a home where they mow your lawn for you. It can be a condo or whatever. He will never get any further then his is or has been for the majority of his life. He simply wants your attention. Hey "STUPID" he wants your help and vote IF he runs. Ireton must be laughing his butt off.

    Anyhow, this election will prove that Salisbury residents really don't give a crap about anything. It will prove Salisbury is loaded with a bunch of uneducated rednecks who would rather have their hands out for a free ride then be proud of who they are and what the future will be like for their children and grandchildren.

    Hey, Maybe the guy is right. Maybe you are all stupid after all.

  19. I do think JT is the lesser of the 2 evils.The 2 that I am aware of running that is.

  20. Why, Joe, would you want him to win? You make no sense at all.

  21. 2:33, If you can't figure out why, I just don't know what to tell you. People buy newspapers because of the wow factor. They watch NASCAR for the wrecks. I LOVE IT! Run EBT Blogger, RUN!

    1. Joe, don' try to use reverse psychology on the citizens of Salisbury. They are too stupid for that, to.

  22. An election is done so you can put the best candidate into office. Salisbury must not have any good people left. Seems all we are getting is bottom feeders. People that only know how to take and not give. I think the Salisbury tax payers have had enough of the taking of their money. Someone ELSE please step up so that neither Taylor or Ireton get this position. Your taxes depend on it.

    1. The officials in office in the past have made or stolen so much money allegedly, there is no more money in the Kitty to spend.
      Therefore, the sludge's are coming out to get the rest of the pennies that are left. The leftover dirt bags will be the representative of the city of Salisbury. What a shame. Pure greed, corruption and crime has destroyed this town. Good luck folks.

  23. And we had a great wreck in the last mayoral election....LOL....

  24. 2:50, aka EBT Blogger, try slamming me all you want, I'm cool with that. The difference being is, I said I would do it, I ran, I delivered the best platform anyone has ever seen, (with exception of you because it was too many pages for you to read) and many of the things I openly discussed Ireton copied and did. So in the end, who actually won that election, I did. I've been on vacation in Ocean City for 2 years now and I haven't had to deal with a liberal council. I am the clear winner no matter how you look at it, like it or not. Last but not least, I sold my Salisbury property to boot. In the very least I'd call it a win, win.

  25. we should use a different word than "run" to describe what he will be doing.

    Maybe let's say he's going to "Roll" for Mayor.

  26. A Republican here who thinks this will be the fate of the elected school board. Dregs.

  27. JT's a dunce.
    Without naming names-and I have no reason to ever doubt this person's words-about 2 or 3 years ago, I was told by this person who heard it directly from former chief Sewell's mouth that JT was doing everything in his power to try and get on the good side of Sewell. Sewell was making fun of him. The person told Sewell that they didn't trust JT and Sewell said something along the lines, that JT is so stupid that he may come in handy someday. A useful idiot kind of thing and prophetic to say the least. Almost makes you wonder if Sewell was up to no good in some form or another and knew he may need a useful idiot like JT to take up for him.

    1. Who cares? ? Thanks for wasting my time. You could have said ALL that dribble in two sentences.

    2. Oh it matters...it matters to the ppl of Pocomoke City that are just as dumb as JT and believe the filth he's typing. If your worried that much about wasting time, you should stop reading blogs.

  28. He's billing himself as "The Big Sexy For City Council"

  29. In all honesty, I really do not think it matters at all who wins. At the end of the day everyone has a personal agenda.

  30. Hey l mutchell is on welfare.

  31. Sadly, Salisbury has slipped to this level. That a guy like this would even consider running for public office in your city is an indictment! That you elected Ireton to be your leader is an indictment!

    Salisbury used to be known as the hub for business on the Delmarva...you now have more in common with a junk car sitting on blocks rusting away. Oh, where are the leaders like Paul Martin?

    Just when I think things cannot get any worse for you and the shore...I am sadly disappointed.

  32. Is Dan Powell his treasure or John Pheobus??

  33. Since I have a sense of humor and no respect for Salisbury government I'd like to see Big Sexy (HAHAHA) get elected! If for no other reason than to watch meetings on PAC 14! And according to Case Search he has about $3800.00 in judgements at present! What a dirt ball!

  34. Because of his fat, and over eating he gets to park in the best spots at stores, he has a Handicap tag!

  35. Joe, why do you keep putting up pictures of a big hunk of garbage?

  36. I hate JT! Sincerely Pocomoke City Citizen. He has tried to tear our good town apart.


  37. What is the weight limit for the elevator in the GOB?

    The Jake the Snake & Jimbeau switcheroo is gonna be a trainwreck, skateboardwreck, bikelanewreck, electrichoverroundwreck for the ages.

    25,000 occupants (was gonna say citizens but caught myself) and with the sole exception of a retired Navy incumbent, this is the best the 'bury can come up with as candidates???

    'bury, we have a problem!

  38. Just a second, here.

    Can you imagine for a moment this person being in charge of a city with a $55 million budget? Or working with a city council? Can you imagine him setting city policy? How about hiring and firing department heads, or managing department heads, or representing the city around the state?

    I'm looking forward to the Day-Taylor debates if he runs. They should be a real hoot.

  39. I can't stand him either. I completely stopped listening to WGMD because of him and now listen to WCBM out of Baltimore.

  40. Salisbury is NOW officially the ghetto city of Maryland. Can't Culver get help from Hogan to clean this mess up. Salisbury is destroying this county. Bob - do something!!

  41. No, because I believe Ireton would be the best choice for Dist 4. Ireton did an excellent job as Mayor.

    1. List 5 things he did that were positive for Salisbury.

  42. He thought he could get another free ride. There was no one filing for this district when he stated he might run. I doubt he will be brave enough to run against Ireton. If he does he is a bigger fool than I thought he was.

  43. OMG can't you all just see him and Shanie sitting side by side in council chambers. Hilarious!

  44. "I have been called controversial for being a very opinionated individual, but I look at it more as being less tolerant to stupidity that surrounds us all everyday. "

    But you have a limited capability to realize what's stupid and what's not. Therefore, your lack of tolerance for what you consider stupid is so often misplaced and your opinions so off base that you have succeeded in making yourself totally irrelevant.
    Throw into the mix that you're for sale to every sleazy dealer here on the Shore to spout whatever vile slime they dictate for a dollar. That in itself makes you intolerable as well as irrelevant.

  45. The true Salisbury shows itself. Talking trash about someone in the public eye. WOW. Original! !! I hope he runs and wins and screws the city up more than you A HOLES have already.


  46. Fatboy just got out of the race. Said he couldn't beat Jim.

  47. He can't collect money while on ss. His blog is his wife's name.

  48. 12:18 PM

    Well said!

  49. FAT POS has now stated he won't run. I sent him the comment, "why, for once in your worthless life you could make something of yourself? Oh, that's right, it would take a little commitment and time off the sofa and away from the buffet, what a LOSER!


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