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Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Hopeful For Acquisition, Berlin To Conduct Feasibility Study On Former Tyson Property

BERLIN – The town’s purchase of the former Tyson plant moves closer to reality this week as Berlin officials agreed to hire a nationally known consultant to perform a feasibility study for the 60-acre property.

Following a clean environmental report, the Berlin Town Council voted to spend $34,500 to have EDSA, a Florida-based architectural services company, do a feasibility study to determine the best uses for the old industrial property. Town officials first announced plans to buy the land, which has been vacant for more than a decade, and turn it into a public facility in late 2014.

“As the study concludes, we’ll know what the recommended uses are,” Mayor Gee Williams said. “We’re making the right decision in bringing in top notch experts to help us decide the best options.”



  1. It is always interesting to me as a local when our liberal politicians talk about "local jobs" and then proceed to hire entities and companies from other states. Is good ole liberal Gee trying to tell us that out of all the planners (and there are a lot of great ones here on the shore) and companies from which Berlin could choose, they have to pick one in Florida? Similar situation at SU when they announced their $135 million "library" project only to see that they had hired an architect firm out of Massachusetts and a contractor out of Connecticut! At least some good citizen asked the mayor about this and the bottom line was...unless you went to the Berlin City website, you would not know anything about the project bid.

    We really need to demand better since we are simply building up economies in states that are already light years ahead of us. Pull your head out!

  2. No swimming, fishing, canoeing, paddle boats, or even drinking water.

    What a great deal! No zoo animals, either. Just pave it and put the park on top. So BOOTIFUL!

  3. So the town is still looking at buying this property owned by a town council member? You get what you deserve.


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