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Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Heavily armed 'Oath Keepers' inject disquieting element in Ferguson

FERGUSON, Mo. (Reuters) - Four white men carrying military-style rifles and sidearms added a disquieting element to riot-torn Ferguson, Missouri, when they began patrolling the streets before dawn on Tuesday, which police quickly labeled "inflammatory."

The men said they were part of a group called "Oath Keepers," which describes itself as a non-partisan association of current and former U.S. soldiers, police and first responders who aim to protect the U.S. Constitution. They told reporters on the street that they were in Ferguson to protect a media organization.

The men attracted immediate attention in the mostly black neighborhood, which exploded into violence on Sunday night as protesters marked the one-year anniversary of the killing of an unarmed black teen by police.



  1. Need more brave men like this. A lot more.

  2. Yet not one person acted out towards these men. Yet they act out towards police. I know what I rely on is the right choice.

  3. 10:32 You're damn right no one acted out towards these men.The trash realized the oathkeepers are not afraid and will defend themselves unrestricted by political correctness.

  4. Just think how bad things would be without the second amendment.

  5. the "unrestives" were "disquieted"


  6. More white privilege.The police should of shot them down like the trash they are.

    1. "White privilege" is a myth invented by your Democrat masters, Sparky.

  7. These idiots are nothing more than mental midgets playing army like children.

  8. We need an Oath keepers chapter around time to run the thugs out.

  9. 10:32 What do you rely on? What are you saying man?
    11:46 Read the article. They are there to defend the constitution, a document that protects citizens from tyrannical government. So they were there to protect what you call "trash" from what I call "SS Stormtroopers"
    8:03 Shoot them down for what? They are trash for what? Did they threaten anyone with these guns. Were they calling for violence? What did they do wrong? If you think that to have a gun on your person is an open threat to the government, you might be on the wrong blog.
    11:04 These idiots are making an overly aggressive police force and a broken criminal justice system aware of the fact that we are watching and violations of human/civil rights will not go unchecked.
    5:51 Wrong, read some criminal justice statistics so that you can make informed statements.


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