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Thursday, August 20, 2015

Donald Trump: Simply unstoppable

Exclusive: Barry Farber declares, 'He may carry all 50 states'

Admit it. Donald Trump is a volcano in a forest of Ronson lighters.

You’re not going to stop him. He may carry all 50 states.

The awareness of Trump’s invincibility is dawning slowly for several reasons. Nobody wants to be revealed as a fool if Trump flames out. Also, such a breathtaking prediction hates to be borne all alone. “Out on a limb” is a lonely place for a pundit to be. Then, too, a lot of heretofore wise observers are obeying the instinct to adopt a “business as usual” stance. We put subconscious pressure on ourselves so that yesterday’s “clown-by-consensus” isn’t too abruptly hailed as the winner this absurdly long before the first vote is cast. The dreamers in the GOP are still reassuring one another that Trump’s domination is a “summertime thing,” and that come fall the public anger will be gone and the people will ask themselves, “Is this the kind of person we want in the Oval Office?” Dream on, Dear Establishment. People are already asking that question, and the answer is not just “Yes”; it’s “Hell, Yes!”

Eight years ago Americans decided to take a chance on a “community organizer” without one single discernable accomplishment, not even authorship of his own book! (Thank you, Jack Cashill!) Obama was editor of the Harvard Law Review – and never wrote a single editorial. And we elected and re-elected him.



  1. I'm imagining the Trump/ Carson presidency.

    Do you think they would be able to consult each other on the direction for our Country agreeably?

    Sounds like a good Question of the Day to me.

  2. i think they would make a good team

  3. When a group of people value someone's skin color so highly, that they are unwilling to look any further at that person's real credentials (or lack thereof), they have a problem that goes far deeper than any ancestral angst.

    And when another group of individuals is so easily convinced to turn a blind eye to the obvious fallacy...we ALL have a problem. Eight years of it, this time.

    "The Emperor's New Clothes"...a children's book that needs to be required reading.

  4. Watch the republican establishment drive a stake into its own heart as it goes after Trump and his popularity grows because of it. AND because they hate him, independents and conservative democrats will get behind him as well. His persistence will pay off. He is a quick study as someone noted in a comment some time ago. As he continues with his campaign he is learning about important issues and problems and is quickly developing viable solutions.

  5. In the end, don't underestimate the stupidity of the American voters!

  6. 8:51 my thoughts exactly. Some folks have Trump already elected. We have a long way to go.

  7. 8:51 And don't overestimate the IQ of a Democrat. Anything over 50 would be a stretch.

  8. Brilliant team Trump/ Carson

  9. The more the political establishment and MSM hate Trump, the more I like him. It's free political advertisement for a majority of the electorate that are fed up with typical politians from both parties. GO TRUMP!

  10. He won't win. Most of his fans don't realize you actually have to cast a vote for it to count!

    1. Because of your stupid comment I will vote for him


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