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Thursday, August 20, 2015

Distressed American Workers Expose The Fallacy Of Improving Unemployment Numbers

“Over the past five years, our businesses have created more than 11 million new jobs. Our economy is growing and creating jobs at the fastest pace since 1999.”
—President Obama

Sure, the headline jobs numbers suggest that Obama is right and that the job situation is improving:
The Labor Department reported that initial claims for unemployment insurance fell to their lowest level in 42 years.

The Institute of Supply Management’s index of non-manufacturing employment (“Would you like some fries with that, sir?”) hit the highest level in 10 years.



  1. Saw two more closed businesses in the Centre today. Hardly anybody in the other open stores. How long is it going to take before this Mall closes also? da Bury needs some economic help quick. No wonder Cracker Barrel did not come here, someone from corporate probably did a little investigation of the local economy and said "NO WAY, HOSEA".

  2. We don't need "help"...as in government programs that do nothing but throw taxpayer's money at a temporary guess of a solution.

    We need leadership not afraid to implement policies that don't cater to the low information voters and their endless "needs" and demands.


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