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Friday, August 14, 2015

Devastating Bird Flu Threatens US Poultry Farmers

Amish chicken farmer Ura Gingerich begins each day by lantern light, but his simple life of tradition is threatened by a modern scourge that has devastated the US poultry industry.

More than 48 million turkeys and chickens have either died by the bird flu virus or been killed to stop its spread since it emerged on the west coast in December and swept across the nation.

Egg prices have doubled as farmers work to rebuild their flocks in 20 states, prompting some restaurants to take the breakfast favorite off their menus.

Meanwhile, a handful of countries have banned US poultry imports and rural life has changed as farmers implement strict biosecurity measures and state fairs cut back on exhibits.

While it's been more than a month since the last case was detected, Gingerich and other farmers worry the outbreak could return with autumn's cooler temperatures and the migrating water fowl that spread the virus.

"We're just hoping God protects us from getting it," Gingerich told AFP.

Unlike most US poultry farmers, the Amish won't accept financial aid from the government and don't use insurance programs that would help compensate for the loss of their flock.

Gingerich, 58, and his wife Mary support 16 children by raising around 12,000 chickens and selling vegetables and flowers from their farm in Baldwin, Wisconsin. He is an elder in a group of 32 Amish families in the area.



  1. Any excuse to raise the price of both chicken & eggs. Exactly how many cases are "on record"?

  2. Democrats and their brown shirt EPA poisoning Americans food supply.

    1. And what do you think republicans are doing with their undying support for Monsanto.

  3. When you have the Flu the doctor gives you antibiotics, but Jim Purdue won't use them in his birds, so I guess we are all going to be fed sick birds.

  4. 4:19--
    You are so ill-informed I don't even know where to start!


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