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Wednesday, August 05, 2015

Delta Air Lines Bans Shipments Of Big Game Trophies

Following the recent news about and backlash against a Minnesota man who killed a beloved lion during a paid hunt in Africa, Delta Air Lines says the company is banning shipments of all lion, leopard, elephant, rhinoceros and buffalo trophies worldwide.

Reports of a dentist who’s accused of luring a lion named Cecil from a national park in Zimbabwe and killing him has caused uproar worldwide. Hunters like him won’t be able to send trophies of their exploits back home — or to anywhere else, for that matter — on Delta from now on.



  1. His guide is the responsible party! Africa , the most corrupt continent on the planet , the U.S. is second.

  2. The US isn't a continent...

  3. Yes the guides and the hunting outfit itself are just as responsible as Palmer. Palmer isn't new to the trophy hunting game, so he knew what they were doing wasn't permitted. Then after killing the lion, and seeing the GPS collar, Palmer engaged along w/the guides in a coverup.

  4. 8:17 A coverup? How did he try to hide it, along with the guides? It seemed he was pretty upfront and remorseful about it.

    And why haven't the guilty GUIDES/POACHERS been named and shamed yet?

  5. I hope people don't start giving cute names to hard crabs, cause I like eating them. I don't think they make good pets.

  6. Every year, in the fall, hunting seasons open up. Tens of thousands of animals are harvested ethically, and legally. Without population control efforts, such as hunting, these same animals would be nuisances....like rats. It is much like the leaders of America and their population control efforts....a necessity.

  7. What about Gay wedding cakes? Boxes wrapped in Red X Flag wrapping paper? Better not refuse them!

    What's next, babies from heterosexual marriages?

  8. Never fly delta anyway. Another PC move from an airline that's on its last leg.

  9. I don't hunt big game but if Delta is playing Political correctness enforcer I'll never use their aging fleet again.


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