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Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Court Rules Police Can Use Volunteered DNA In Other Cases

ANNAPOLIS, Md. (AP) — Maryland’s highest court has ruled police can retain and use a suspect’s DNA profile obtained by consent to investigate other cases.

The ruling on Tuesday by the Court of Appeals says the state does not need a warrant to conduct further testing on a DNA sample voluntarily obtained.

The case involves George Varriale, who voluntarily provided a DNA sample to Anne Arundel County police in 2012 during an investigation into a rape allegation. While the sample supported the conclusion he did not commit the alleged rape, the DNA sample connected him to an unrelated 2008 burglary after the sample was uploaded to a database.



  1. By volunteering it, he gave up his rights.

    If they had been required to obtain a warrant - it would have specified the testing criteria.....

    Never volunteer!

  2. So people, if you don't want to go to jail, never volunteer anything to the police, no DNA, no information, no nothing, just say nothing but "I want a Lawyer". The road to jail is paved with good intentions and innocent people!

  3. Also remember people, any thing you say to the police, even before Miranda is read, can be used against you in court. Just casual conversation, innocent comments, anything that helps them clear crimes and arrest you will be used. It is them against us now, they are taught this. You are now "Guilty till you prove otherwise".

  4. When "interacting" with the police, there are NO casual or friendly questions. EVERY question is designed to elicit information that will allow them to search you or arrest you.
    There is no money in NOT arresting you and there will be no promotions
    It's not "protect and serve" any longer. That is long gone....
    It's collect revenue, intimidate citizens, and kill at the first feeling of "fright". And since the police are scared of everything from butterflies to shadows to old ladies, better watch what you say and do around them.
    Keep cheering.

  5. Gerald, retired Detroit CopAugust 12, 2015 at 4:50 PM

    AS a retired cop, I shot and killed 13 people of color in Detroit, and there was never a s%^t storm like there is now for doing your job. In fact, you got paid time off as a reward for doing it.
    As far as us questioning anyone, yes, we are trained to ask questions to get you to incriminate yourself, family member, friends, because yes, arrests count in promotions, and bring in money to the system. It is all about the money.


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