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Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Contractors say they’ve had it with White House executive orders

Four associations representing federal contractors sent a polite, yet terse, letter to the White House Tuesday saying, in so many words, that they were fed up with executive orders that target their member companies.

“We respectfully request that no further presidential directives primarily focused on government contractors be issued for the foreseeable future,” said the letter. It was signed by the heads of the National Defense Industrial Association, the Aerospace Industries Association, the Professional Services Council and the IT Alliance for Public Sector.

While not mentioning any by name, they point collectively to a dozen executive orders that President Barack Obama has issued since 2009. Those directives have led to 16 new regulations, they said.

“While we have openly expressed our support for some, suggested changes to others with which we agree on the intent, and raised major concerns about yet others, the net effect has been to significantly increase the costs of doing business with the government,” the letter said.


1 comment:

  1. Gotta laugh the same contractor donors getting bit in the butt by Obama group.


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