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Friday, August 28, 2015



  1. Lincoln was a republican and Kennedy was a crooked dumbocrat....ooops

  2. Lincoln was the worst, he stuck us with the south for all eternity.

  3. 9:24 go back to Pennsylvania.

  4. Sure would be great if Obama could be included with these men.

  5. It is not crazy because everything has been planned from the beginning... Wither you believe man to have done it or the guiding hand off god, or god allowing these men to do such things...

    You all said the stock market couldn't crash, until IT DID, you all said it couldn't or wouldn't crash again, until IT IS, like right now 1000 points down and going down still... History repeats itself because obtuse people like the american citizens...

    Yep, I am a tin foil hat man who gets to keep saying I TOLD YOU ALL SO every time a event happens... maybe it isn't US tin foil hat guys, maybe it id just you who is stupid, and well we all know you can't fix STUPID!!!

  6. These comparisons between Lincoln and Kennedy are meaningless and pure chance.

    11:25 if the market was still 1000 points down right now and going down still it would have dropped though my buy price and I would own some new stock.I don't own any new stock and the market is not dropping. I noticed the total value of the stocks I do own is up again today just like its been for the last three days.

    And the Lincoln Kennedy thing is crazy just like I am crazy for even talking to you people.


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