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Monday, August 31, 2015

Clinton Touts Selling ‘Green’ Biofuels to Military

One green fuel company has donated over $100,000 to Clinton Foundation

Hillary Clinton touted selling advanced biofuels to the Department of Defense as a way to boost the economy during a speech at Morningside College in Sioux City, Iowa, on Wednesday.

In her remarks, the Democratic presidential candidate called the department “a huge potential customer” for biofuels.

“Just think of what it would mean for rural America and Iowa in particular, if we could build demand, number one, and then build the processing in order to provide advanced biofuels for aviation, both civil and military,” Clinton said. “That would be a game changer and it would be an incredible economic boost for rural America,” she said.

A recent report from the Government Accountability Office found that the Defense Department paid an average of $29 per gallon for “alternative fuel,” which cost taxpayers a total of $58.6 million.

These fuels are nearly nine times the cost of petroleum fuel options.

Another report, from the Congressional Research Service, detailed how the Defense Department purchased alternative fuel made of algae for $149 per gallon from Solazyme, a San Francisco-based company that has donated between $100,000 and $250,000 to the Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton Foundation.

More here


  1. And the hits keep on coming!

    She talks out of both sides of her mouth so often that she's grown a second mouth just for us.

  2. Donate to us and we'll make sure you get that lucrative contract!

  3. Bribery.
    The oil that makes our corporate/military/political doors swing so easily.
    Its how she touts the "benefits" of paying so much extra for a product, along with such convincing zeal, that really irritates me.
    She doesn't think her supporters can add or subtract or read.
    Just SAY something and don't worry about the "truth".
    War on women, its better to pay $58 a gallon than $2.50, no voter fraud, our borders are secure, I didn't know it was classified, etc..
    Keep cheering.

    1. Bet you love the $2.17 a gallon, HYPOCRITE.


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