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Friday, August 28, 2015

Carozza’s committee to work on Worcester stadium idea

When the Maryland Stadium Authority unanimously approved a proposed stadium for Worcester County earlier this month, the project was sent on to the legislature for another approval.

The state legislature’s budget committee has 30 days to review and comment on the project, with the deadline for any action expiring in early September. However, freshman Delegate Mary Beth Carozza (R-38C), who represents portions of Worcester and Wicomico counties, is on the committee conducting the review.

“At this point, I support the feasibility study to better understand if our local area can support this project,” Carozza said.

The stadium was proposed by Hat Trick Consulting, a Texas company, and was made public in January. The centerpiece of the stadium is a proposed hockey arena, which could then be converted into meeting or other athletic space depending on the season or availability.



  1. Pro Hockey? Surely! It would be fun. Baltimore shouldnt have it all. MD once had pro lacrosse and soccer teams. It would be nice to have it.

  2. blown opportunity in Wicomico. Thank you to all who support no alcohol at Civic Center for keeping us behind the times. Special attention to the past gutless County Councils. It is time we try to be somewhat progressive. What say you current Council?

  3. There go more of my tax dollars' WE pay for the SADIUM and the team owner gets all the money we pay to go there. A good deal for the owner. We also for the upkeep of the stadium. GREAT DEAL FOR US.

  4. Ridiculous waste of tax dollars.. an arena in berlin?? Who's there to attend games in the winter? -if hockey season was in the summer perhaps I could see it. But just ridiculous.

  5. Just what we don't need, more subsidized sports.

  6. Have wasted millions of tax dollars on the convention center already.

  7. Was a CHL (now ECHL) fan when I lived in Louisiana. Lots of skepticism when the idea of bringing in a team but ended up being the most popular and most attended sport. Baseball teams came and went, Canadian and arena football came and went. Nothing stuck as long as the hockey team did. It folded because of mismanagement, not loss in the fan base. If the team here is ECHL level, it will be a good time. $25 to sit at the glass. Sometimes its a fight and a hockey game breaks out. They are very aggressive, looking for the next step up to the NHL. But ultimately, whoever the promoter is for the team/stadium will have to do a lot of work to do to get the word out.


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