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Sunday, August 16, 2015

Can You Blame The Guy?


  1. Ohhhhhh monica....

  2. 2:10 - according to what I've read, he's got a hotter one now!!!!

  3. If Hillary had stood up for herself and left Slick Willy, I may have some respect for her now. Let's see, it was Monica, Jennifer Flowers, Paula Jones and who else may be out there? Not long ago I saw some old video footage of her defending Bill early on, before Monica. Her quote to the media: "This is nothing more than a right wing conspiracy to defame my husband." Once people know you will lie, they will always have doubts about your words. Then Bill lies to a grand jury. He's the one that should have been jailed.

    1. She was part of water gate!! Her first job fired for lying! Look it up!!

    2. I didn't think you people were real? Wow some women do hate men.

  4. Got to love her labeling the Republican party as anti-women. I guess you can technically say Bill was pro-women. Shes so wise and powerful she should run the country, but will allow a man to make her look like a fool as long as it furthers her ambitions.

  5. As ugly and mean as she is, I can't see how or why Bill even slept with her to father their brat.

  6. hey 438 its called alcohol and a coyote night

  7. there is nothing worse than a coyote night

  8. Living in Salisbury every night is coyote night.

  9. it must have been a dark dark night

  10. 3:37-Hiliary is your typical democrat women, meaning they are nothing more than slaves to men. Bill ordered her to not leave him and to defend him, and just like the good little slave she is, she obeyed without question.
    Look at all the women in the obama admin-all democrats-who have covered for obama and have done his dirty work without question.

    1. What a stupid remark. Hillary is about as independent minded as they come. Where do you get this stuff? I hate her but no one controls her.

  11. It's been a LONG time since she looked that good. Witch

  12. she likes where she is. it's why she didn't leave him.

  13. Both are guilty, they have both had affairs. From the reports I have read he is not a Daddy


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