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Friday, August 14, 2015

BREAKING NEWS: US Embassy re-opens in Havana

Secretary of State John Kerry presides over flag-raising ceremony in Cuban capital.


  1. Open borders, open relaions with communists...

  2. Here come the Cubans. More democrats yeah!

  3. We buy all the crap made in China and they are communists. Get over it old-timers. Glad I won't see you when I'm sitting on a beautiful beach in Cuba this fall.

  4. I guess we have forgotten why we closed relations with Cuba in the 60's and had sanctions against them etc. Let me refresh your memory....it was because they had missiles provided by USSR pointing at us just 90 miles away.

  5. I can emphasize with the Cuban expats and their objections, but it is time for this to happen. Those that could not find Cuba on a map do not have a valid opinion.


  6. Did he wear his Lucky Hat and medals?

    Who will be the first big shot Dem to buy a villa there?

  7. Cuba is no threat to the US. Even all their automobiles are rust buckets. The biggest threat the US in Cuba are the detainees in GITMO.

    1. BINGO!!! Obama wants to be able to keep an eye on his Muslim brothers. Make sure they have a recent copy of the kuran.

  8. Nothing like spending more money on something not needed. Again another Obama decision that will benefit everyone BUT the U.S.

  9. Bottom just fell out of smuggling Cuban Cigars.

  10. @2:00pm That is True. Also remember that Japan bombed Pearl Harbor. Ever heard of Sony/Toyota/Honda?

  11. Was in Canada years ago wanted to buy one. 35.00 dollars for a Cuban cigar. FT.


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