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Wednesday, August 12, 2015

BREAKING NEWS: Former US President Jimmy Carter says he has cancer

Former President Jimmy Carter, 90, who served as the nation’s 39th commander-in-chief, says he has cancer and will undergo treatment in Atlanta.


  1. IDK if I would go under "treatment" at 90. That "treatment" will kill you faster than the cancer at that age.
    It's like doing knee surgery on a 90 year old. Kills em every time.

  2. IMHO it's silly to consider treatment at ninety. Just go with dignity.

  3. Sounds like it is time for end of life counseling under Obamacare! Guess you and brother Billy will be united soon!

  4. At least he got to live long enough to go out a winner!

    No longer the worst President we ever had!

    RIP, Jimmy!

  5. You are an ignorant as 6:57. Show some humanity and respect. And to the others commenting on treatment; that comes in various ways including management. Respect the man's and Carter family privacy.

  6. Obama says Jimmy just take some pills and leave us save some money for Obama / Death care


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