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Thursday, August 20, 2015

BREAKING NEWS: Former President Jimmy Carter's cancer has spread to his brain

Former President Jimmy Carter says his cancer has spread to his brain, and that he will begin treatments today. Watch press conference live on Fox News and FoxNews.com.

Watch Here


  1. The cancer of liberalism has always been there.

  2. He will be with his buddies, Carl Marxx and Vladimir Lenin very soon. Have him contact the healthcare exchange for his end of life options!

  3. No Worries. Carter hasn't used his brain in many many decades

  4. He is a great president, religious man, humanitarian and one who always did his job with class. I believe he should be known as one of the greatest presidents we ever had, he never forgot his roots and the people of Georgia both black and white respect and love him.

  5. Well, at least it's not gone into his vitals...

  6. He is a great president, religious man, humanitarian and one who always did his job with class. I believe he should be known as one of the greatest presidents we ever had, he never forgot his roots and the people of Georgia both black and white respect and love him.

    August 20, 2015 at 5:54 PM

    I didn't vote for him or always agree with him but I agree completely with 5:54.

  7. Some would call him a bleeding heart liberal, but I call President Carter a humanitarian and a man of faith.

  8. The Democrat Party is a cancer

  9. 2nd worst president this country ever produced! 18 % interest rates, no jobs weakest military ever before the current idiot in the white house? is that racist saying that? are we still allowed to say white house?

  10. Republican or Democrat, saint or sinner, he deserves our prayers. Before he is a President, he is a human being.


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