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Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Beaten Pomeranian found with note: ‘We beat it 2 death lol’

MIAMI (AP) — The beating death of a Pomeranian named Fox may have been eclipsed by the hand-written note left behind: “We beat it 2 death lol HAHAHA!”

Fox’s owner says the 13-year-old dog’s body was discovered by a “frantic” neighbor outside the owner’s condominium less than 24 hours after Fox disappeared. The note was on top of the dog.

Pembroke Pines Police are looking for the attackers. The owner, Ronald Boisvert, says he doesn’t know why anyone would want to hurt Fox.



  1. It was signed by Michael Vick.

  2. Freakin' ankle biters...

    Just kidding. Horrible loss.

  3. It's ALL on tape somewhere and they will catch these punks. But what will happen? ?? Nothing as usual. Real insane individuals that would hurt a 91 yr. old dog.

  4. Anyone that would do this to a dog or any animal, is dangerous and will probably harm another animal or person again. Hopefully, the person or persons who did this will be caught and be put away and mentally evaluated. It is just sickening.

  5. This is so very sad and heartless. What mean, cruel, and mentally ill persons, low-life pond scum that would hurt an innocent animal. I hope police do their job and catch these bottom dwellers.


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