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Thursday, August 20, 2015

Bakers Who Were Fined $135,000 for Gay Wedding Cake Refusal Deliver a Major Surprise — and a Powerful Message — to 10 Gay Rights Groups

Aaron and Melissa Klein, owners of Sweetcakes by Melissa, were ordered by Oregon state officials last month to pay $135,000 in damages after they declined to make a wedding cake for a lesbian couple. Now, the bakers are sending a powerful message to gay rights groups.

The Kleins, who continue to defy a July 13 order from Oregon’s Bureau of Labor and Industries, decided this week that they wanted to let gays and lesbians know that, despite ideological and theological differences, they love and care about them.

So, the husband and wife duo baked 10 cakes, packaged them up and drove to California, where they collaborated with Ray Comfort — the Christian leader who recently released “Audacity,” a movie about homosexuality — and mailed them out to gay rights groups on Wednesday.



  1. Why aren't they allowed to express their opinion?

    1. You still believe you're living in a free country.
      That's adorable.

    2. Because they're white.

  2. Them donating those $10,000 cakes will have that fine paid off in no time!

  3. Nice gesture but Jesus also told us not to cast pearls before swine. The homosexual lobby is warlike in its objectives and totalitarian in its philosophy. They have repeatedly demonstrated there is no middle ground. Every concession ever made to them by well intentioned folks like these bakers has been followed by escalations in hostility, intolerance and demands. We negotiate at our own peril and we are about out of time. Same as with Iran. Interesting pattern yes?

  4. I don't understand why this couple did not challenge the fine in court. The constitution allows for freedom of speech and expression. They have a right as people and business owners to provide or deny services to anyone. If their belief prevents them from approving of same sex marriages that again comes from their constitution right of freedom of religion. This is a law suit that needs to be filed. I would not pay a dime until I got my day in court.

  5. They should make a cake for the original lesbian couple and charge them $135,000 for the service

  6. How would you people feel if they said that they wouldn't make a cake for a Christian couple? Would that be ok?

  7. if they did not to make a cake for a Christian based on their faith beliefs that is fine 11:56 no one should force them to,


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