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Wednesday, August 12, 2015

As President, Cruz Would ‘Rip Up’ Iran Deal, Instruct US Embassy to Move to Jerusalem

(CNSNews) – Among five key actions he would take on his first day in the Oval Office, Republican presidential hopeful Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) said at the weekend, are two foreign policy priorities – “rip up and rescind this catastrophic Iranian nuclear deal,” and start the process of moving the U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.

Both would be designed to send powerful messages to the world, he told the Red State gathering in Atlanta at the weekend.

“In many ways the most important thing in this election, both in the primary and in the general, is the threat of a nuclear Iran. It’s the one threat that could murder millions of Americans.”

Cruz said he could not wait to go up against Democratic contender Hillary Clinton in a campaign debate, “and to make clear, if you vote for Hillary you are voting for Iran to have nuclear weapons.”

“And if I’m elected president, under no circumstances will a nation lead by a theocratic zealot who leads chants of ‘Death to America’ be allowed to acquire the weapons that could murder millions of Americans.”

More here


  1. Another Israeli owned hack

  2. So, how many of the other candidates would rip up the deal?
    How many of the candidates will rescind the current POSOTUS executive actions?
    How many of the candidates will move to replace the current fiscal albatross to the American public know as the affordable care act? Don't just repeal it - replace it!

  3. 1:04. Those who fail to protect Israel will have no protection from God.

    1. And a leprechaun keeps trying to steal me lucky charms.

  4. Anyone that thinks Trump is a good candidate simply because he doesn't have a filter for his mouth need to do some research into all the candidates. We haven't heard hardly any stances from trump except immigration.

  5. 422, None of the "other" candidates are putting their cards on the table like Trump is. They need to come to us and show reason and record.

    It is not on us to "investigate" 20 people.

    They are applying for a job and need to provide resumes.

    See the 1:22 comment, for example.

  6. LOL they won't "shoe their cards" because you idiots praise them for spouting nonsense.


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