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Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Anti-vaccine Activist Terrorized By Big Pharma Black Ops Branch

We may need to seek them out and destroy them where they live," wrote a Merck & Co. employee who was actively plotting to murder or discredit doctors who had voiced concerns regarding the adverse health effects of an anti-inflammatory drug called Vioxx.

Launched in 1999, Vioxx was extremely popular (with more than 80 million users worldwide), as its makers heralded the drug as being the answer to inflammation, minus the nausea that often follows with anti-inflammatory medication.

It was later discovered that the New Jersey-based Merck & Co. was knowingly selling a drug that frequently caused heart attacks and strokes in its unsuspecting victims. A study revealed that Vioxx actually doubled the risk of heart attacks and strokes, prompting the company to voluntary withdraw the drug from the market in 2004.

Prior to the drug being pulled from the market, several Merck & Co. staff exchanged emails in which they discussed a "hit list" they drafted of doctors whom they believed needed to be "neutralised" or "discredited" due to their criticism of Vioxx.

It seems that Merck & Co. was never held accountable for the threats it made against doctors, researchers and academics, in which at least eight clinical investigators were harassed and intimidated, giving the drug company no reason to stop such intimidation tactics.

Read more here


  1. Still goes on today, one reason half of our kids are on some kind of psych drug, and we are on so many pills "for life". How did our ancestors ever get along without Big Pharma?

  2. this does still go on today. there are 10 docs that have died under suspicious circumstances in the past 2 years. all of them were working on debunking vaccines. they were trying to expose the dangers of vaccines and all of them had credible evidence that these vaccines should not be trusted. very strange.

    1. Not to mention other government scientists and contractors that have died in crazy ways. Almost 200 in 2 years.

  3. I'm 55 years old and take no meds. I work out eat good and drink beer . No blood pressure issues or anything else. Even if I developed something not talking a damp thing. Oh wait Advil.

  4. Ben Carson wants to make all these vaccines mandatory. The rise in Birth defects can be attributed to these meds. Along with many other complications.

  5. A BIG reason not to vote for Ben Carson.

    1. That and we already learned from Obama.

  6. '..Oh wait Advil...'

    There are even some issues with Advil now.

    Try Bufferin.. it's back on the market and always worked well for me.

  7. I have yet to find any " credible " evidence to ANY of this !


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