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Sunday, August 30, 2015

Alleged Suspect Tweets His Own Videos Of Live Newscast Shooting

The alleged suspect in the shooting death of two Virginia journalists on Wednesday morning began publishing what appear to be his own videos of the shooting.

Authorities identified the suspect as Vester Lee Flanagan, who also goes by Bryce Williams, to Richmond television station WWBT. Flanagan allegedly set up a Twitter account as Bryce Williams.

The suspect in the shooting shot himself on I-66 in Faquier County, Virginia, on Wednesday morning, state police told WDBJ. There were conflicting reports about whether Flanagan died. The latest from WDBJ indicates that he did not die.



  1. Well, if she made racist comments then this is acceptable because #blacklivesmatter.

    Anyway, it wasn't him, it was the gun that killed her.

  2. Racist comments. Black shooter ,white victims. Is this the governments way of trying to get the whites to act out against blacks? I don't believe for one second the government isn't involved here. The mysterious deaths of federal employees, Hillary two blocks away from the South Carolina shooting and left minutes before,actors and actresses from Sandy Hook in South Carolina. Lmao. Nkw they get to push two agendas. Create gun control and push the racial divide further.

  3. Wow another crazy that can apparently easily get a gun. When are the responsible gun owners going to do something about this? Anyone, anyone,......................

    1. Just like a lib fool he was sane before he purchased the gun i wonder if we can see in the future if you will harm people ? Idiot.

  4. Why would this be up to the responsible gun owners 1:39? This isn't a gun owners problem it's a parent and the black races problem. Evidently this guy had a habit of filing racial complaints all unfounded. You look at a black the wrong way and they holler racism. This is something he learned in the home and from the horrid people blacks elect and look up to as leaders including all the fake faith based leaders in the black communities. Not only that but they don't value life UNLESS they can attach a racial agenda to it. This is why they are killing off each other like there is no tomorrow.

  5. This isn't a gun problem but a black problem. They will not ever bear any sense of personal responsibility. All their failures they blame on racism. There is no honesty within the race and this is why the American ghettos are cess pools of crime and poverty. They waddle around in self pity, victimization and blame. They place no value on life unless a white or a cop kills a black and they can have an excuse to start acting uncivilized. Black children are being killed each and every day in drive by's and sometimes on purpose as what happened to the child in Baltimore who had the gun put to his head and his brains blown out by another black. Blacks can't name this child's name but they can tell you who the terrorist thugs were like Trayvon Martin, Michael brown and Freddie Gray.

  6. The Democrat party and their media are responsible.

  7. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Wow another crazy that can apparently easily get a gun. When are the responsible gun owners going to do something about this? Anyone, anyone,......................

    August 26, 2015 at 1:39 PM

    Just what do you expect them to do? Anyone can become 'crazy' after they get a gun. Whatever 'crazy' means. He could have attacked them with a hammer, would you then call on carpenters to 'do something'?

    It's not any weapon, it's people's HEARTS that are responsible. And who knows anyone's heart?

  8. There are quite a few disgruntled ex WBOC employees that management swept under the rug.

  9. I have watched the video uncut. It is fake as hell. He has the hun out 15 seconds before he fires. Nobody saw this? The woman screams like she's in fear,not hit. And the first shot is aimed at her gut. Another is fired at her front before she runs away screaming. No way that happened. She would be dropped in pain and her screams wouldn't be just fear but of agony as well. Not running like she was.

  10. FACT he was a angry gay black man looking for a EEOC pay check claiming racism took it out on White people.

  11. Will CNN call this a Hate crime or sweep it under the obama rug.

  12. Race war is coming folks, get ready, and don't be afraid too shoot to kill!

  13. 2:46 are you trying to say that these two
    People weren't murdered?

    1. Yup. New identities are given out everyday. And if they were killed then I'd say it's the government. We never saw the face of this shooter on camera. He could've been held up somewhere and killed. Then made to look like suicide. Ok.... Watch this professional camera man. I don't know about you but I've never seen a camera man turn bjs camera during an interview unless it was some big stuff poppin. So why was he filming the ocean during the interview? Every camera man I've ever seen takes sbits like that either before to kill time or after. Not during an interview! Nobody saw this gun the first time it comes out? Seriously. The oy people there are the reporter,camera guy,and lady. None of these three would glance and see him with a gun out? He literally walks up to the camera man. Now finally what 100 lb girl is gonna take a shot to the abdomen and not drop? Or screams in fear not pain? If seen gut shots to women and men. The scream is different. And not to mention no blood or holes cut in her clothes. I'm telling you this is more of an agenda. However it was played.


  14. Giving his eulogy is gonna play havoc with Obama's golfing plans.

  15. Glad to hear the shooter is dead. He didn't deserve to live. The shame is he didn't die before he shot innocent decent people.

  16. Gay = Mentally unstable.

    EVERY time.

    <.3 of the population making a 20% flamboyance show.


  17. Here we go any.. the rainbow warriors Must disarm us. Dont fall for it.Key facts are:The US has the highest gun ownership rate in the world - an average of 88 per 100 people. That puts it first in the world for gun ownership - and even the number two country, Yemen, has significantly fewer - 54.8 per 100 people. But the US does not have the worst firearm murder rate - that prize belongs to Honduras, El Salvador and Jamaica. In fact, the US is number 28, with a rate of 2.97 per 100,000 people. Puerto Rico tops the world's table for firearms murders as a percentage of all homicides - 94.8%. It's followed by Sierra Leone in Africa and Saint Kitts and Nevis in the Caribbean

  18. Hey 1:39 my guns haven't killed anyone. If you had an accident and killed a small child, should I not be allowed to own a car?

  19. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    FACT he was a angry gay black man looking for a EEOC pay check claiming racism took it out on White people.

    August 26, 2015 at 3:17 PM

    Grow up son. Anyone with facts does not have to stress it, they let the facts speak for themselves.

  20. When did the us become #1 in gun ownership??.. and Where did you get this "fact"??? Flawed information here..

  21. I don't know WHEN the U.S. became number one in gun ownership but a simple internet search bears it out.

    The Small Arms Survey 2007,[3] provides an estimate of the total number of known civilian-owned guns in a country per 100 people of that country. These numbers say nothing about which percentage of the population owns those guns.

    The figures do also not directly represent the number of guns available, since in some countries, such as Israel and Switzerland, a significant number of civilians have government-owned military guns in their possession, which would not be included in the figures below.[5]

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    When did the us become #1 in gun ownership??.. and Where did you get this "fact"??? Flawed information here..

    August 30, 2015 at 10:28 AM


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