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Sunday, August 16, 2015

A Viewer Writes: Massive Snake Found This Morning

I just saw a big python or boa constrictor on Nanticoke Rd around 7:30. 2 state cops and county truck had him surrounded on side of Nanticoke Rd just before Levin Dashields Rd.

Another viewer said: Looks as if it may be 10-12 feet long and very thick.


  1. Good for the zoo , why do people have such as pets.

  2. Mmm ,take a picture , could be Ireton or Al Sharpton.

  3. Treat her gently, she is someone's pet.

  4. They make such cuddly pets.

    You gotta wonder why people keep them. Is it shock value?

  5. As usual, they are not as dangerous as the black ones.

  6. It's 2015...we needs pictures or it's not true.

  7. I hope they don't kill it.

  8. It looks like it had a great meal recently. Hopefully it didn't eat someones cat or dog.

  9. Must have been a man that estimated the length...always exaggerating.

  10. I hate to burst anyone's bubble, but the snake in the picture is no where near 8-10' long. It's not even long enough to stretch from the side of the road to the first tire track in the road surface.

  11. snake lives matter

  12. all those people to watch snake on tax paid time. very funny.

  13. Obviously a accidental or intentional release. While pythons could survive some winters around here, last one was too cold.

  14. I'll show my wife the photo and tell her it's 25 feet long.She'll believe it.

  15. Wait, wait, wait...you're telling me...that there are SNAKES...OUTSIDE!?

    1. Idiot. It's deeper than that. It's not a black snake or a Cooper head. This is a constrictor. If there are more and left unchecked they can reach 18-22 ' easy.

  16. These snakes are taking over in Florida and other southern states. It's a bad deal down there. Very dangerous. Little kids and animals have been attacked and killed. The reproduce like rabbits.

    1. Sounds like Baltimore...and parts of Salisbury.

  17. The cops had it surrounded? If it don't put its hands up it will get shot dead, Snack Lives Matter, Hands Up, Don't Shoot, and all that other crap!

  18. Close the comments now as the armchair biologists have woken up.

  19. 12:27 Snack Lives matter??!!! WHF does that mean?!

  20. pretty sure most people can figure out with little difficulty that it should be snake lives matter except for @2:30.

  21. 11:41 AND 11:43... Do your research idiots... This is a Boa as had been previously stated... Boa's do not grow to be 18'-22' in length NOR are they an invasive species in the U.S. ANYWHERE...

    Burmese Pythons, a COMPLETELY different snake altogether are the invasive species "down in Florida"

    Y'all would think you'd be able to use Google...

  22. Saw that thing this morning, that thing was huge! It did stretch out to cover one lane on the road easily.

  23. Stretch Snakestrong must be his name, 417! I'll estimate 3'-4" comparing it to the 4 " wide stripe on the roadside. Maybe he was longer when you saw him!

    Must have just found a good sized Norway Rat to eat! Non- poisonous.

    LOL at the "surrounded"! Nobody wanted to just walk up and pick him up, put him in a pillowcase? LOL! Probably as docile as a kitten after that meal!

  24. A pair of boots, a wallet, and a couple belts, maybe?

  25. based on the white stripe on the side of the road and the rabbit in its gut I would say between 6'1" and 6'4.5".

  26. I say kill it before it eats another cat or small dog please, people there are a lot of snakes around here in Siloam we had a lot of copper heads and don't tell me I don't know what I'm talking about, an extention agent next door killed one in our back yard.

  27. not a natural species to the area, KILL IT

  28. @8:43 Send Joe a pic of a copperhead that you found and killed in your yard otherwise just another person killing harmless snakes.

  29. Lived here for 40 years and own several farms and waterfront property. Never seen a copperhead in all those years but apparently they are abundant in your neighborhood. No pic = BS. You probably have seen a cottonmouth too. LOL

  30. What is an extension agent?


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